Job Name:
Job Number:
Model Numbers:
3691115b 2 09.19.19
BACnet PIC Statement for Quantum Area Virtual Devices
using Quantum Version 3.4
Standard Object Types Supported:
1. Dynamically creatable using BACnet CreateObject service? No.
2. Dynamically deletable using BACnet DeleteObject service? No.
3. List of optional properties supported: Active_COV_Subscriptions.
4. List of all properties that are writable where not otherwise required by this standard: None.
5. List of proprietary properties: None.
6. List of any property value range restrictions: None.
Analog Value
1. Dynamically creatable using BACnet CreateObject service? No.
2. Dynamically deletable using BACnet DeleteObject service? No.
3. List of optional properties supported: COV_Increment (See Table for objects that support this property).
4. List of all properties that are writable where not otherwise required by this standard: None.
5. List of proprietary properties: None.
6. List of any property value range restrictions: See Table.
Binary Value
1. Dynamically creatable using BACnet CreateObject service? No.
2. Dynamically deletable using BACnet DeleteObject service? No.
3. List of optional properties supported: Active_Text, Inactive_Text.
4. List of all properties that are writable where not otherwise required by this standard: None.
5. List of proprietary properties: None.
6. List of any property value range restrictions: See Table.
Multi-State Value
1. Dynamically creatable using BACnet CreateObject service? No.
2. Dynamically deletable using BACnet DeleteObject service? No.
3. List of optional properties supported: State_Text.
4. List of all properties that are writable where not otherwise required by this standard: None.
5. List of proprietary properties: None.
6. List of any property value range restrictions: See Table.
Data Link Layer Options:
Other: These devices are virtual devices and are represented by a six octet address equal to the 48-bit device
instance of the virtual device.
Device Address Binding:
Is static device binding supported? No.
Networking Options:
BACnet / IP Annex J — non-BBMD functionality; the Quantum processor is able to register as a foreign device.
The Quantum processor is able to initiate original-broadcast-NPDU.
Character Sets Supported:
Indicating support for multiple character sets does not imply that they can all be supported simultaneously.
• ANSI X3.4.
BACnet Routing:
The Quantum processor is a BACnet router. All of the virtual area devices are routed through the main subsystem
device. Router_Busy flag is supported to indicate when router is operational but currently cannot respond.