Application for Registration Food Act 2014 (Form 18/13021) Version 4 / August 2018
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All applicants to complete
Opening date (if new business): or existing business
Trading hours:
Name of day-to-day manager:
Position held:
Who will be doing your verification? Council Other
If other, insert name of verification agency:
I have attached a confirming letter from my verification agency: Yes
Have you attached the scope of operations for your business? Yes
Applicant Statement
I confirm that:
1) I am authorised to make this application as the operator or a person with legal authority to act on behalf of the
operator; and
2) The information supplied in this application is truthful and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief; and
3) Neither I nor any directors, partners, or managers of the business concerned have been convicted, whether in
New Zealand or overseas, of any offence relating to fraud or dishonesty, or relating to management, control, or
business activities in respect of businesses of a kind (whether in New Zealand or elsewhere) that are regulated
under the Food Act 2014; and
4) The operator is resident in New Zealand within the meaning of section YD 1 or YD 2 (excluding section YD 2(2)) of
the Income Tax Act 2007; and
5) The operator of the food business is able to comply with the requirements of the Food Act 2014.
Name Job title
Signature Date
Payment Details:
Payments can be made by cash, cheque or eftpos to the Gore District Council, 29 Bowler Avenue, Gore 9710 or
electronically to 03 0915 0289519 00. Please use reference FCP followed by the name of your business (ie. FCP Bob’s
The application for a new registration is $140.
NOTE: Verification fees are charged separately.
Final check before sending your application to the Gore District Council
Have you:
filled this form in completely and legibly? Yes
completed and attached the Scope of Operations document? Yes
attached a letter from your verified if that is not Council? Yes NA
attached copies of company register certificates if you have a
registered limited liability company? Yes NA
read and signed the applicant statement? Yes
attached or made payment for this application? Yes