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How to apply for a new
Manager’s Certificate
Under Section 219 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012
Follow the instructions below to apply for a manager’s certificate which authorises the
holder to manager any licensed premises.
Check you qualify to apply first
To hold a manager’s certificate you must:
be 20 years or older
have a Licence Controller Qualification (LCQ) certificate
be working or intend to be working in a licensed premises
have at least 6 months experience supervising licensed premises in New Zealand
What you need to do next
To apply for a new manager’s certificate, you need to:
supply the documents listed in the ‘What to include’ section on this page
pay the application fee of $316.25
answer all the questions in the form that apply to you
attend an interview with an alcohol licensing inspector (after we receive your form, we
will contact you to arrange a time)
How to submit your application
Choose any one of the following ways to submit your application:
Email application to alcohol@goredc.govt.nz
Drop off your application at 29 Bowler Avenue, Gore 9710
Post your application to PO Box 8, Gore 9740
How to get LCQ certification
If you don’t have an LCQ certificate
Find out how to get an LCQ certificate at serviceiq.org.nz/lcq/license-controller-qualification
If you have an LCQ certificate, check it is up to date
If your LCQ certificate stated ‘Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012’ on it, your certificate is
up to date.