What is a Land Information Memorandum (LIM)?
A Land Information Memorandum (LIM) is a report prepared by the Council at your request. This Local Authority is the provider
of information which it holds relating to land and or property. It does not provide interpretation of this information or advice on
how to interpret or utilise this information. Your own independent and appropriate professional advice should be sought: It
Official address, legal description, area of site and unit/flat number as appropriate.
Information on special land features or characteristics including potential erosion; avulsion (removal of land by water
action), alluvion (the deposition of silt from flooding), inundation (flooding, falling debris, subsidence, slippage).
Presence of hazardous contaminants which are likely to be relevant to the land and is held in the Council’s records.
Information on private and public stormwater and sewerage drains as shown in the Council’s records.
Information relating to government valuation and any rates.
Information concerning any consent, certificate, notice, order or requisition affecting the land or any building on the land
previously issued by the Council (whether under the Building Act, or any other Act).
Information relating to the use to which the land may be put, and conditions attached to that use.
Information which, in terms of any other Act, has been notified to the Council by any statutory organization (I.e. Historic
Places Trust or the Department of Conservation) which has the power to classify land or buildings for any purpose.
Information which has been notified to the Council by any network utility operatory under the Building Act 1991.
The memorandum may also include such other information concerning the land which the Council considers, at its discretion, to
be relevant.
Council’s must take reasonable steps to ensure that building work requiring a building consent complies with the building code,
but are not required to ensure that building work is defect free. Buildings have been, and continue to be, constructed with
defects which the Council cannot reasonably detect at the time of inspection, or have arisen since the Council’s last inspection
(e.g. through lack of prudent maintenance). Some defect can be very expensive to repair. Sole reliance should not be placed
upon the Council’s performance of any building control function, including inspections or the issue of a Code of Compliance
Certificate, as confirming that a building is free from defects. The Council recommends that all prospective property purchasers
obtain a pre-purchase inspection report, particularly with respect to weather-tightness by an appropriately qualified
independent building advisor.
A register of independent building advisors may be found on New Zealand Institute of Building Surveyors website at
www.buildingsurveyors.co.nz. The website of the Department of Building and Housing at www.dbh.govt.nz
is also a useful
source of information on building matters.
When will I need a LIM?
If you are considering purchasing a property, it is recommended that you obtain a LIM before finalizing the purchase. You will
find a LIM useful in assisting in deciding whether the land is worth purchasing, free from any restrictions, and whether the
intended use of the land is feasible.
Please note that a LIM Report will not tell you if any work has been done without a building consent. The LIM can only contain
records that the Council has on file. For example, if someone has done something without a building consent, the Council will
not know this.
How long will a LIM take and what does it cost?
Your LIM report may take up to 10 working days to be completed. If an email address is provided an electronic copy will be sent
to this address followed by a hard copy in the post. Residential LIM reports cost $250.00 each. Commercial, industrial or
complex LIM reports (irrespective of zoning) will be at cost and an invoice will be generated when the LIM is complete. The LIM
report will not be released until the amount is paid in full.
A LIM report is produced per rating assessment. If there is more than one rating assessment, these will require individual
applications and fees.
How do I pay for my LIM report?
You can pay by cash, cheque, eftpos or electronic banking. For electronic payments, our bank account details are:
Westpac Gore Branch 03-0915-0289519-01
Please use reference LIM – then the address of the property