All permit fees are per vehicle. This section will be auto-populated by information entered on page 2.
The Annual Ready-Mixed Concrete Truck Permit may only be used by a truck operating on three-axles.
Steering axle weight cannot exceed 650 PSI x Tire Tread Width x No. of Tires (ex: 650 X 10:00 X 2 = 13,000 lbs.)
Any single axle, regardless of tire size, may not exceed 25,300 lbs.
Two-axle groups may not exceed 50,600 lbs.
The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles maintains the information collected through this form. With few exceptions, you are entitled
upon request to be informed about the information that we collect about you. Under Sections 552.02, 552.023 and 559.004 of the Texas
Government Code, you are entitled to receive and review the information, and to have us correct erroneous information.
Annual Ready-Mixed Concrete Truck Permit
P. O. Box 13529 - Annual Ready-Mixed Concrete Permit
Austin, Texas 78711-3529
Phone: 800/299-1700 Fax: 512-465-4257
Annual Ready-Mixed Concrete Permit Fee
All permit fees are non-refundable.
Form 1755 (Rev. 03/20)
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Section 1 - Customer Information
Company Name
Customer Account Number
Mailing Address City State
Daytime Phone Number Fax Number/Email Address
Contact Person
Permit Start Date
Section 2 - Permit Conditions
I attest that the vehicle(s) listed in this application will not operate on more than three axles when operating under the
provisions of the permit.
Section 3 - Permit Fees
Check, Cashier's Check or Money Order (Make payable to the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles)
Section 4 - Payment Method
Mastercard, Visa, Discover, or American Express*
Credit Card Number
Credit Card Expiration Date
*A service charge of 25 cents per permit plus 2.25
percent of the total fee amount will be added to all
credit card transactions.
Permit Account Card (PAC)
PAC Number
For faster processing apply online via the Texas Permitting and Routing Optimization System (TxPROS) at