Year:_________________ Make:______________________________________
VIN# ___________________________________________________________
I, (Printed Name of Purchaser)____________________________________________
acknowledge that at the time of purchase, I am aware that the motor vehicle is titled on
a salvage title; if I intend to lawfully operate the vehicle on a public highway, I am
responsible for applying for a title for this salvage motor vehicle through a Texas county
tax assessor-collector’s office accompanied by the required forms showing that repairs
have been made to the vehicle; I am responsible for paying the applicable fees; and, I
may not drive this salvage motor vehicle on a public highway until after a title branded
rebuilt salvage and registration have been issued.
Check box only if the motor vehicle is classified as a salvage motor
vehicle based solely on FLOOD DAMAGE.
Purchaser’s Signature
Date of Signature
Form ENF-SAL-221
(Rev. 08/16)
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