Brock Doctoral Scholarship
Application Check List
ase use this checklist to ensure that you have all of the required documents for a complete
application package for the Brock Doctoral Scholarship. All documents submitted by the applicant must
be a minimum 10 point font size in Arial or Times New Roman.
CV (no page limit) Please include your name and U of G student ID # (if applicable) at the top of the
first page of your CV or make a cover page for the application package with this information on it.
Summary of your research proposal which should not be overly technical or contain a lot of
jargon (maximum 1 page). If you use quotes or references that require footnotes these can be
on a 2
Personal statement – This is your chance to sell yourself! Tell us about your accomplishments,
goals, what it is about you that makes you a strong candidate for this scholarship.
Documentation of teaching, research, volunteer activities and leadership – You will have listed
all of these items in your CV. We’d like you elaborate on each of these areas in either point
form or a short paragraph for each of the 4 areas. (Maximum 1 page)
Reference letters – 3 are required. They can all be academic or you can have 2 letters from
academics and 1 non-academic reference letter. No limit to the length of the reference letters.
Transcripts – there is no need to submit transcripts with your scholarship application package if
you have already submitted them as part of your application for admission to the PhD.
Your complete application package is due to your College Dean’s Office (attention to the
Associate Dean, Research) no later than February 15.