Policy and Procedure Manual
New or Current Policy or Procedure Revision Submission
Whether you are submitting a new or revising a current policy or procedure, please use this form to begin the process. This
form should be used in conjunction with Policy 101.1 and Procedure 101.1.1 Policy Development and Approval. If you have any
questions about the process, contact the Executive Assistant to the CEO/Dean at x4305 or ljaynes@gfcmsu.edu.
Check the appropriate box regarding your submission. If it is a revision, please note the month/year of the last revision.
New Policy
New Procedure
Date of last Revision (mm/yy):
Select the subject under which the policy or procedure belongs in the box below. If you are unsure of the subject, please
mark 'Don't Know." In the empty box to the right, enter the title of the policy or procedure.
Policy/Procedure Title:
If you know the number or would like to request a number, enter it in the box
below. The number should coordinate with the subject heading and should not
be the same as an existing policy (unless it is a revision). The number after the
decimal denotes when similar policies are grouped together. A procedure
number should coordinate with its policy. A procedure is identified by the
second set of decimal (e.g., 101.1.1).
Number Requested:
As you draft or revise a policy, the following should be considered and/or included in the body of the policy:
Introduction and Purpose: This section briefly identifies why the policy or guidelines have been created and what purpose
they serve. This section should also include a statement about organizational scope, e.g. university wide, certain groups, and
should be no longer than a paragraph or two.
Policy Statement: The policy statement should be quite brief. The policy may include several sub-headings as needed. Policy
developers have a great deal of flexibility in how the content is presented but are asked to be consistent in using lettering or
numbering in the subheadings. The policy should not include procedures or guidelines. These should be submitted separately
but noted on the policy heading.
Definitions: Any key words or jargon identified in the document should be defined. The word or statement should be in bold
Related policies, forms, manuals: List (in a bullet point form) any relevant policies, procedures, guidelines, statutes, legislation,
or other documents that users should consider in relation to this policy. These may be internal or external to the Great Falls
College MSU. Please ensure the title is correctly stated so a hyperlink to the document can be set-up. If this section does not
apply to the policy, it can be omitted.
Note: Include notes where necessary. You may wish, for example, to track the changes made to the policy since it was first
approved. Policy and procedure templates, as well as the Word version of current policy and procedure, may be found on the
Shares drive. If you have questions, please contact the Executive Assistant to the CEO/Dean at ljaynes@gfcmsu.edu.
Submitted by:
(Individual or Group as applicable)
Phone: Email:
Don't Know
100 Governance and Organization
200 Academic Affairs
300 Student Affairs
400 Personnel
500 Financial Affairs
600 Physical Plant
700 Information Technology
800 Lifelong Learning
900 Library
1000 Miscellaneous