Great Falls College MSU
Prior Learning Assessment Checklist
Great Falls College MSU (GFC MSU) recognizes that learning occurs outside of the college setting. The outcome of this
learning is often the acquisition of skills and/or knowledge which may be equivalent to learning at GFC MSU and other
institutions of Higher Education. GFC MSU may award credit for this learning through the GFC MSU Prior Learning
Assessment Policy 306.1 of the Student Affairs policies. The following checklist will help guide faculty and students
through the Experiential Learning evaluation process and the required form (page 2).
1. Credit may be granted only to admitted, enrolled and degree seeking students and is to be identified on the
student’s transcript as credit for prior experiential learning.
2. A student interested in earning experiential learning credit for a particular course or courses should consult their
advisor and/or the faculty member (faculty sponsor) responsible for the courses in question. Upon consultation
and initial consent of the faculty sponsor and the student’s advisor (if applicable), complete the “Student
Information” and “Prior Learning Assessment Course Substitution Information” portions of the attached form.
3. Next, the faculty sponsor and student will collaboratively decide which evaluation process (portfolio,
challenge exam or other type of assessment) will be used for the evaluation of the student’s prior learning to
illustrate equivalency of the course(s) being substituted. Check the appropriate box in the “Evaluation
Process for Assessment of Award” section.
4. Collaboratively the faculty sponsor and student will then identify the criteria, components, materials,
documents required, and activities that must occur to complete the evaluation process. The faculty sponsor will
provide the student with documentation outlining objectives, timelines, materials needed, and other pertinent
information to establish clear expectations for the process.
5. Next, print the attached form with the top three portions completed. The student must sign and date in the
appropriate areas.
6. The faculty sponsor and advisor (if applicable) must then confer and agree to approve the plan for assessing the
student’s prior learning for the award of experiential learning credit. If both approve, they must print their
name, sign and date the form.
The faculty sponsor then submits the form and additional documentation to the Registrar. Upon reviewing the
form for accuracy and completion, the Registrar will assess the applicable student fees if a challenge exam is
used and sign and date the form, and pend the form/documents until the evaluation is complete.
8. Once the student completes and submits a portfolio, challenge exam or other type of assessment for
review, the faculty sponsor will make a determination of whether to approve the award of experiential
learning credit for the student’s prior learning. They will then confer with the Division Director and make
their recommendation. If both are in agreement, each will print their name, sign and date the form.
9. Next, the faculty sponsor submits the completed form, criteria for the assessment process, and supporting
documents (e.g. challenge test score, documents for proof of competency, portfolio, etc.) to the Registrar.
They will also notify the student of the successful or unsuccessful award of credit.
10. Finally, the Registrar reviews the completed form and submitted materials. If all are in order and both the
faculty sponsor and Division Director have agreed to approve the award of credit for experiential learning, the
Registrar will post the award to the student’s academic transcript and notify the student of the completed
process. If not approved, the Registrar will notify the student in writing of this decision.
Updated August 2017