Delegation of Authority
New Modify/Update
Division Name:
Contact Name:
Contact Email: Banner Index#
Contact Phone:
Request Date:
Authority for Initiating and Approving: Invoices, Purchase Requisitions, Purchasing Card Receipt Submission form, Payroll
Timesheets (Authority may not be delegated for employment contracts, letters of hire, letters of appointment, retirement
and post-retirement agreements, additional compensation forms, conflict of interest disclosures, or timesheets.) Authority
should only be granted to division heads and those individuals with budget and expenditure responsibilities.
In the following table please list ALL individuals who are authorized to approve all expenses AND, approve employee
timesheets for your division (including the division director):
Name of Delegate $ Threshhold
Yes No
HR Delegation
Position Banner ID Index
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
If more space is needed, please attach additional sheets.
By delegating signature authority to an approver the division director / dean attests to the following:
The delegate is willing and qualified to make decisions on behalf of the division director/dean in accordance with the
University's policy on Delegation of Authority.
The division director/dean has implemented appropriate controls and review processes to maintain accountability for all
transactions. Such controls might include segregation of the reconciliation and approval functions and/or detailed review of
financial records and employee personnel and payroll transaction records by the division director/dean or someone other
than the delegated approver.
Signature of approver indicating willingness to accept delegated authority:
(Print Name)
(Print Name)
(Print Name)(Division Director / CEO/Dean Signature)
Print Form
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