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Great Falls College MSU
Staff Senate Agenda Request Form
Submitted by:
Date Submitted:
Form must be submitted one week before the items will be discussed at a Staff
Senate (SS) Meeting. Failure to submit by
the deadline will result in non-placement on the SS meeting agenda.
Items must have a Staff Senate Sponsor to be accepted as an agenda item.
This item:
Informational Requires Action Discussion Other -( please explain)
Specifically what is the issue?
What channels has this issue been through?
What is your suggestion/request regarding this issue?
What is your rationale for this suggestion/request?
Please attach any supporting documents.
Who will be impacted by the recommended Changes?
What costs will be incurred by these changes (if any)?
Action taken by the Staff Senate- (to be completed by SS officer)
Staff Senate Chair Signature
Staff Senate Sponsor:
Type Name
Type Name Date: