changing lives - achieving dreams
Our Mission is to foster the success of our students and their communities
through innovative, flexible learning opportunities for people of all ages,
backgrounds, and aspirations resulting in self-fulfillment and
competitiveness in an increasingly global society.
2100 16th Avenue South, Great Falls, MT 59405
[406] 771.4300 or [800] 446.2698 fax: [406] 771.4329
Dear Prospective Student,
Thank you for your interest in Great Falls College MSU. It has come to the attention of the Admissions Office that you
have marked or will have to mark affirmative to one of the Safety and Security questions on the Admissions Application.
The safety and security of our building, faculty, staff and students is foremost in our minds. In order for our office to
further evaluate and process your application you must complete the following steps and return any requested
Complete the Safety and Security Questionnaire included with this letter
SIGN and DATE the Consent to Release Information which is located on the Safety and Security Questionnaire.
This release will pertain to arrests, convictions, probation/parole status and any treatment/rehabilitation.
Attach record searches or sentencing information from the court(s) for each felony. If you do not have your
sentencing paperwork, you may also provide a full Montana criminal history that can be obtained online at:
http://www.doj.mt.gov/enforcement/criminaljustice/backgroundchecks.asp. If your conviction(s) occurred
outside the state of Montana or was a Federal conviction, you will need to contact each state or Federal court to
obtain this information. Criminal histories downloaded from the Montana Department of Corrections
Correctional Offender Network Search website will not fulfill this requirement. Please note that failure to
submit this information will delay your admission process.
A minimum of three (3) letters of reference or support from non-family members if no longer on probation
and/or parole supervision (See Letter of Recommendation Form)
A personal interview after above items have been provided. *Please note, this will not be scheduled until the
above has been completed
Our Admissions Committee typically meets the first and third weeks of the month. We will review the information that
you provide at this time. If the committee feels additional information is required prior to processing your will be
informed in writing. *Please note: this process can take 4-6 weeks so timely completion of your requirements is
essential. If you have questions or concerns about this process please contact Brittany Budeski at 406-771-4309 or
brittany.budeski@gfcmsu.edu . Please keep this letter for your records.
Brittany Budeski
Director of Admissions and New Student Services
Enc: SQ2