DONOR INFORMATION (please type or print)
q With respect to this gift, do not list my/our name(s) on any university publication.
ME(S) ___________________________________________________________ TODAY’S DATE ___________________
DATE(S) OF BIRTH ____________________________ADDRESS _______________________________________________
CITY ____________________________ STATE _______________________________ ZIP ____________________________
TELEPHONE (home) ______________ (work) ____________________E-MAIL ____________________________________
I (we) hereby contribute cash and/or assets to Great Falls College MSU in the area designated here:
I (we) pledge a total of $ _________________________ and have enclosed $ __________________________________
Please bill me beginning __________ and thereafter q Monthly q Quarterly q Yearly q Other __________
I (we) wish to have this donation spread over q 1 q 2 q 3 q 4 q 5 year(s) q Other _______________
Signature ___________________________________________________________________________________________
I/we will contribute in the form of q Cash q Check q Stock* q Property* q Other _____________________
*For stock or property gift, please call the GFC MSU Development Office at (406) 771-2271
Please make checks, corporate matches & stock transfers payable to Montana State University Alumni
Foundation. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the law.
Mail pledge to:
Great Falls College MSU
Attention: Development Office
2100 16th Avenue South
Great Falls, MT 59405
Great Falls College MSU
rev. 7/2019