This document is limited to current Hometown Equity Mortgage, LLC, DBA theLender and practice and should not be construed as legal advice, legal opinion, or any other advice on specific facts
or circumstances. Such policy and practice is subject to change. The recipient should contact its legal counsel for legal advice. For business and professional use only. Not for consumer distribution.
All loans subject to approval and not all products are available in every state. Certain conditions and fees apply. Hometown Equity Mortgage, LLC, DBA theLender NMLS #133519. Equal Housing
Opportunity – All Rights Reserved. 05.2021
AE Name: ______________________________________ Account Manager: ____________________________________________
Estimated Closing Date: _______________________
Disclosures Only Full Submission Broker Disclosed Lender Disclosed
Use Fee sheet supplied with submission
Use Estimated fee through “Smart Fees”
Broker/Contact Information
Broker Name Broker NMLS
Processor Name Loan Ocer Name
Processor Phone Loan Ocer Phone
Processor Email Loan Ocer Email
Contract Processor NMLS Loan Ocer NMLS
3rd Party Processing Fee $ Broker Credit Report Fee
Lender Fee Buy Out Yes No Broker Compensation Lender Paid Borrower Paid
Aliates Yes *Must Disclose on LE No BPC Amount
FHA Case Number: _________________________ Request FHA Case Number Previous FHA Case Number (if applicable)______________________
Borrower Information
Borrower Name FICO Borrower Email
Co-Borrower Name FICO Co-Borrower Email
Co-Borrower Name FICO Co-Borrower Email
Property Information
Property Address
City State Zip Code
Property Value Property Type AMC
Loan Information
Loan Amount Interest Rate LTV CLTV
Loan Purpose Purchase R/T Refinance Cash Out Occupancy Primary Investment Secondary
Items needed to disclose: Lender disclosed submission
Signed initial Loan Application by LO
Submission Form
Credit Report
Previous FHA Case Number (FHA refinances only)
COE or Request for COE (VA loans only)
Notes and Other Comments
Credit Report
Reissue Credit through TPO portal Lender to pull new credit
Items needed to move to UW: Broker and Lender disclosed submission
Signed Borrower Certification and Authorization
Income Docs; 2 Recent Paystubs Covering a 30 day Pay
Period or S/E: 2yr 1040’s
Assets (if applicable)
Purchase Agreement (if applicable)
VA Files VA LENDER ID:1895070000
Non borrowing spouse’s credit report (if applicable)
VA COE or Request for COE
VA loan comparison within 3 days of app date (if broker
Mortgagee clause - Hometown Equity Mortgage, LLC dba theLender its
successors and/or assigns 25531 Commercentre Dr #250 Lake Forest, CA 92630
Product Type Fixed ARM 3/1 5/1 7/ 1 Product Term 360 300 240 180
Impounds Yes No MI Borrower Paid Lender Paid
Loan Program
FHA FHA Streamline theNada (FHA Only 100%)
USDA Streamline
(select one below) Clarity (680+, 1 unit, w-2 only)
Freddie Mac Fannie Mae HEM Jumbo
Home Ready HomePossible
Items needed to disclose: Broker disclosed submission
Signed initial Loan Application by borrower(s) and LO
Initial Loan Estimate (LE) dated within 3 days of the
application date
Consent Form (Proof of LE delivery)
Settlement Service Provider List (SSPL)
Intent to Proceed
Home Loan Toolkit with proof of delivery within 3 days of
the application date
Homeownership counseling Form dated within 3 days of
the application date
Credit Report
Submission Form
Previous FHA Case Number (FHA refinances only)
COE or Request for COE (VA loans only)
Anti-steering form
FHA Files FHA LENDER ID:1976400007
Non borrowing spouse’s credit report (if applicable)
FHA Case Number or Request (above)
theNada requires 1st and 2nd PDF Application uploaded