I Department
10 of Education
I Department
IO of Eduostion
2021 Roster Verification
State Guidelines
This document outlines the Roster Verification Guidelines from the Ohio Department of Education to inform the
spring roster verification process and guide public schools and participating community schools in fully verifying
instructional relationships among teachers, grades/subjects and students. These guidelines include: 1) when the
process occurs; 2) who will be involved; 3) how to document instructional responsibility; and 4) how to handle
many special situations, so teachers can verify rosters using the most complete information available.
Roster verification is the process that facilitates validation of which teacher teaches what subject to which
students in support of value-added student growth measures. Roster verification directly involves educators in the
process that assigns instructional responsibility for the students they teach.
Roster verification allows educators to verify the following four pieces of information:
The grades/classes/subjects they taught;
The students who received instruction from them;
The months during which students received instruction from them;and
The percentage of instructional responsibility they had for each student during the months selected
(verifying sole or a percentage of shared instructionalresponsibility).
Currently, the primary purpose of roster verification is to provide teacher-verified roster data that will be
used to develop EVAAS value-added reports.
To provide data to allow educators to make valid decisions or data driven decisions informing
instruction and adapting instruction to meet student needs based on the gain from data analysis.
For teachers implementing OTES 1.0, the composite levels from these reports will be included in
the electronic Teacher and Principal Evaluation System (eTPES), when applicable.
For teachers implementing OTES 2.0, these reports will be used as a source of high-quality student
data, when applicable.
Currently House Bill 404 prohibits the use of value-added data in educator evaluations for FY 21
and FY 22.
WHO: Participating Individuals
Statewide, all licensed/certified teachers planning and/or providing instruction for students in:
Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 English languagearts;
Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 mathematics;
Grade 8 science;
Algebra I for high school credit;
American Government for high school credit;
Biology for high school credit;
English II for high school credit;
Geometry for high school credit; and
Integrated Mathematics I and II for high schoolcredit.
All rosters associated with the grades and subjects cited above must be verified.
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Teachers in team-teaching situations who are collaborating in student instruction for a course should participate in
roster verification.
Teachers employed outside of the local school district but contracted to provide instruction to students in the grades
and subjects cited above should participate in roster verification through the district the students are attending.
When a teacher’s roster for a high school course with a state end-of-course test includes students from multiple
grade levels, all students in the class should be verified on the roster. Doing so will permit teachers to review their
classes in their entirety.
The following staff should not participate in roster verification:
Student teachers;
Substitute teachers who hold short- or long-term substitute positions;
Teachers employed by developmental disabilities facilities and alternative education providers, such as the
Positive Education Program, Educational Alternatives and the Marsh Foundation; and
Tutoring program staff or instructional support staff who did not plan and/or provide instruction for students.
The superintendent has the responsibility to affirm that verified data will be used in the value-added analysis at the
teacher level.
Community schools that want to receive teacher-level value-added reports must participate in roster verification.
2021 Roster Verification Process Timeframe
Intent to Participate
Superintendents confirm participation.
Data Loading
ITCs/Administrators work with MCOECN on data to pre-prepopulate
Learning Modules for
Teachers and
Any time after
March 15
Teachers and principals can access online learning modules and
user guides to support training and use of the Link system. Visit
School Setup Period
March 30 April 13
Principals and support teams can log in to Link to verify staff lists
and staff assignments.
Teacher Linkage
April 14 – May 4
Teachers can log in to Link to:
Verify classes and tests taken;
Review their class rosters;
Include student membership in their classes;and
Assign the percentage of instruction they provided eachstudent.
Principals/support teams should:
Monitor teacher completion;
Review submitted classes (instructional responsibility)
and approve them; and
Monitor alerts.
Principal Approval
May 5 – May 21
Principals should:
Perform final review of classes; and
Review staff instructional responsibilities and alerts before
giving final approval.
Fall 2021
Superintendents, principals and teachers can log in to Ohio’s
EVAAS website, https://ohiova.sas.com, to access 2021 teacher
value-added reports.
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General Cases
Number of Full-Time Students
Teachers who are required to participate in roster verification (those teaching the subjects/courses described above)
should complete the process regardless of the number of students they have taught during the school year. Ohio’s value-
added provider will calculate minimum requirements for full-time students and sufficient test scores during the analysis
phase of value-added report production.
Team-Teaching Assignments
Team teaching describes a situation where more than one teacher shares the responsibility for planning and/or delivering
instruction. Teachers should claim a percentage that reflects their own instructional responsibility for each student they
have taught. Each teacher on the team will individually verify a class roster.
Missing Students in Class Roster
Teachers shall add students missing from class rosters by doing a thorough search using the “Add Student” feature in
Link, the web application that facilitates roster verification. If the teacher does not find the student after this search, he or
she should contact the principal or a support team member who should contact the Management Council of the Ohio
Education Computer Network to have the student added to the master database. They will need to provide the legal first,
middle and last name, public school or participating community school student ID, state student ID (SSID), birth date and
grade level of the student. Once the support team adds the student to the database, the teacher will be able to add the
student to the appropriate class rosters.
If a student enrolls in a public school or participating community school after the spring administration of the
state assessments, the student should not be added to the teacher’s roster.
Educator State ID Usage
A teacher’s Ohio Educator State ID is required for the roster verification process. If a teacher cannot be located in the Link
application, a new staff account should be created with a valid Ohio Educator State ID. The Ohio Educator State ID is located
in the upper left corner of the educator’s license, which the teacher or a licensure e-signer can search for in the ODE.CORE
application within the OH|ID Portal. With a birth date and complete name, you also can search for the Ohio Educator State ID
Student Data
The names of students used to populate the roster verification application will come from local data sources typically,
from the district’s student information system (SIS). To ensure a consistent name match between what is used in roster
verification in the spring and value-added reports in the fall, we strongly recommend schools make regular updates to their
records in the State Student Identifier System. Usually, the public school or participating community school staff member
who handles Educational Management Information System (EMIS) data can make changes to the State Student Identifier
System (SSID) file. If needed, information technology centers can assist districts with this activity.
Student Attendance
As long as a student is enrolled in a class and is on the roster, the teacher should account for that student in roster
verification. Daily student attendance within a teacher’s individual class, however, should not be taken into consideration
during roster verification. The Ohio Department of Education will remove any student from the analysis who has a total of 45
days or more of excused or unexcused absences during the academic year based on data submitted in EMIS.
Students enrolled for a majority (more than half) of the instructional days available in a given month should be included in
roster verification. Expelled students receiving instructional services for a majority of the days available in a given month
from an institution outside of the district, community school, joint vocational school or career-technical center may be
removed from a teacher’s roster for that specific time period.
The rosters of students receiving instructional services from a specialized and separate program within their home district
should be verified by the teacher(s) responsible for planning and/or delivering their instruction for a majority of the
instructional days available in each given month.
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Content Alignment and Roster Verification
A teacher only should verify rosters for those classes that are aligned with state learning standards and state tests for the
grades subjects/courses cited in the section titled “WHO: Participating Individuals” on page 1. Classes not aligned to
appropriate grade-level learning standards and state tests should not be verified.
Class Details
Principals and other roster verification support team members should carefully review the class details associated with
each roster during the school setup period of roster verification. It is particularly important to make sure the correct
academic term (such as Full Year (Aug/Sep - May/Jun), Fall Semester (Aug/Sep - Jan), Fall Semester (FYE/Block), Spring
Semester (Jan - May/Jun) or Spring Semester (FYE/Block)) is chosen, as this affects data used in calculating value-added
scores. Full Year Equivalent (FYE) classes will be shown in school setup with an icon labeled FYE. Teachers providing
instruction to students for the entire academic term should claim all months shown.
Unique Cases
Teachers Assigned After the School Year Starts
Teachers who assumed responsibility for a class after the school year has started will verify their class rosters beginning
the first month during which they taught a majority of the instructional days available in the month.
Teachers Who No Longer Are Employed
Teachers who are no longer employed as teachers in any Ohio public school for whatever reason are not included
in roster verification. Principals should delete the rosters of these teachers during the school setup phase.
Teachers on Extended Leave
Teachers on extended leave in accordance with FMLA guidelines (for example, long-term illness or maternity leave) should
claim instructional responsibility for those months during which they taught a majority of the instructional days available.
Schools have a few options for how to handle class rosters for teachers not present during the time of roster verification. If
the teacher is expected to return during the review and approval period, the teacher can meet with the school administrator
and provide the information for the administrator to verify and submit the roster. If school policy permits, teachers can verify
rosters from a remote computer while on extended leave.
Please note: Teachers who plan and/or provide instruction only in the May/June time period are exempt from roster
Intervention Specialists
The participation of intervention specialists in roster verification is governed by local school district policy and their roles in
planning and/or providing instruction.
Substitute teachers, whether long-term or short-term, do not participate in roster verification, as they are not subject to the
Ohio Teacher Evaluation System. Principals are responsible for ensuring substitute teachers do not verify rosters.
Contract status determines whether the teacher is a substitute or not.
Educational Service Center Rosters
Designated educational service center supervisors or directors may perform roster verification administrative functions
school setup, monitoring of teacher roster verification and the review and approval process for all educational service
center rosters composed of students from multiple districts. In cases where an educational service center roster is
composed of students exclusively from one district, the building principal will perform these roster verification
administrative functions.
Educational service centers have several options regarding the verification of rosters composed of students from multiple
districts. Educational service centers with viable data sources (for example, a student information system with Ohio
Educator IDs and state student identification numbers) may work with their information technology centers to use data
extracts from those systems to populate the Link application. If such data sources do not exist, educational service center
educators may make the decision to manually build rosters within Link. Educational service centers without viable data
sources or the desire to manually create rosters in Link will have value-added scores derived from available Educational
Management Information System (EMIS) data, absent roster verification.
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of Educati o n
Online Courses
Teachers who teach in an online environment can contribute to the growth of students, and this can be reflected through
the roster verification process. What determines the amount of instructional responsibility is dependent on the teacher’s
role in planning and/or providing instruction in the online course. Some online courses may not include any planning or
provision of instruction, while others may include some or all of it. Roster Verification FAQs include scenarios that may
assist in making this determination.
Verifying Mastery Learning/Time Variable Rosters
In cases where students advance through grades/subjects at highly variable rates, courses should be represented as
being proportional to a yearlong course. This is particularly true for students in courses using a mastery learning or
competency-based model where course time varies widely. In such cases, a teacher should claim instructional time
equivalent to the proportion of the course taught, thus the teacher should claim all months shown within the roster
verification application if the teacher taught the entire course.
Teachers of Language Arts
Language arts teachers should verify rosters if they are responsible for teaching content defined in Ohio’s Learning
Standards for English Language Arts. In schools where language arts standards are taught in multiple classes (for
example, separate reading and writing classes), the percentage of instructional responsibility claimed by each teacher is a
local decision.
Courses Taken for High School Credit by Students Not Yet in High School
Students below ninth grade who are taking high school-level courses for high school credit are to take the state end-of-
course tests that match the high school-level courses. The teachers who are planning and/or providing instruction should
include such students on their rosters.
Middle School Students Taking English I Course for High School Credit
Students below ninth grade who are taking the English I high school course for high school credit are required to take the
test that matches their overall grade, even if they have taken it in a prior year. As previously stated in this document under
“Content Alignment and Roster Verification”, classes not aligned to appropriate grade-level learning standards and state
tests should not be verified. It is a district decision to determine whether the teacher of the English I class(es) should link to
the middle school students. However, if a teacher value-added report is generated, it must be used in the teacher’s
evaluation, when applicable.
Special Cases Not Described Here
Numerous special cases not described in these guidelines are detailed in a companion FAQ document.
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