Receipt Date
Payment Type
 Single payment (cash/check/credit card): Full payment ($300) Down payment ($40)
 Monthly Recurring Payments (credit card only)
Select Monthly Payment Amount: $10 $20 $30 $50 $100
Amount Paid $
Payment Method  Cash  Check  Money Order  Credit Card
Rec’d by
After a minimum down payment of $40 toward your life membership, you will
receive your membership card. The remaining balance is paid in interest-free
installments. All dues payments received are applied to your life membership
account. Apply online for as little as $10 with a recurring monthly credit card
payment at Thank you for becoming a member!
Membership Application (Membership eligibility information is on the back of this application.) Date
Last Name First Name M.I. Spouse’s Name
City/Town State ZIP Gender:  Male  Female
Applicant’s Phone No. ( ) Email
Date of Birth / / Date Enlisted / / Branch Date Discharged / /
Month Day Year Month Day Year Month Day Year
Rank Service-Connected Disability % Receiving:  VA Comp.  VA Pension  Service Retirement
Check all that apply:  Amputee  Visually Impaired  Hearing Impaired  POW  Purple Heart  Gassed  Agent Orange  PTSD  Gulf War Illness  TBI  Burn Pits
Department Preference Chapter Preference Sponsor’s ID No.
Sponsor’s Name Sponsor’s Phone No. ( ) Sponsor’s ZIP
Applicant’s Signature Amt. Paid $  Single payment: Full payment ($300) Down payment ($40)
 Monthly Recurring Payments (credit card only):
Payment Type:  Check #
 Cash  MO  Visa  MC  Discover  AmEx Select Monthly Payment Amount: $10 $20 $30 $50 $100
Name on Card
Credit Card No. - - - Exp. Date
Billing Address
Mail application and payment to:
National Headquarters, P.O. Box 145550,
Cincinnati, OH 45250-5550 | Toll Free 888-236-8313
DAV life membership = $300 | Veterans age 80 or older = FREE
Life membership payments are non-refundable andare not tax deductible.
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DAV Membership Eligibility
Membership is open to any veteran wounded, gassed, injured or disabled in the line of duty during time of war and to persons who have been awarded expeditionary or campaign medals.
“During time of war” shall include the following periods of service:
World War II and Korea ..........................................................................................................////
Vietnam and other engagements .................................................................................................
anian Crisis, Lebanon Crisis, Invasion of Grenada, Invasion of Panama and other engagements ...........................................////
Persian Gulf Crisis, Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan
and other engagements ......................................................................................................//until terminated by
esidential Proclamation or Congressional resolution
The requirement “during time of war” may also be met if it is determined that the applicant’s wound, injury or disability was incurred:
) at any time as a direct result of armed conflict.
) while engaged in e
xtra-hazardous service under conditions simulating war.
) while the United S
tates was engaged in any war.
901318 (12/19)
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal (AFEM).
Campaign or Expedition Inclusive Dates
Berlin ////
Congo ////, ////
El Salvador ////
Laos ////
Lebanon ////, ////
Mayaguez Operation ////
 Operation in the Libyan Area
(Operation Eldorado Canyon)
Panama (Operation Just Cause) ///
 Persian Gulf Operation
(Operation Earnest Will)
Quemoy and Matsu Island ////
Taiwan Straits ////
Vietnam (Including Thailand) ////
Navy Expeditionary Medal and Marine Corps Medal fortheseoperations.
Campaign or Expedition Inclusive Dates
Cuba ////
Indian Ocean/Iran ////
Iranian/Yemen/Indian Ocean ////
Lebanon ////
Liberia (Operation Sharp Edge) ////
Libyan Area ////
Panama ////, ////
Persian Gulf ////
Thailand ////
Chinese Service Medal (Extended) ////
Navy Occupation of Austria ////
Navy Occupation of Trieste ////
Units of the Sixth Fleet (Navy) ////
Please let DAV know if you were awarded any of the medals listed below. This information will only be used for demographic purposes,
and to potentially inform our members about issues related to their specific military experience.