This section must be completed by you or your dispensing pharmacist. One prescription label
should be attached for each prescription.
Also, include a copy of your pharmacy receipt with this form.
Pharmacy Name: Pharmacy Address:
RX Number:
Date Filled: ___
/____ /________
RX Name & Strength: Days Supply (30, 60, 90): NDC #:
Dr. Name: Price/Amount Paid: Comments:
Pharmacy Name: Pharmacy Address:
RX Number:
Date Filled: ___ /____ /________
RX Name & Strength: Days Supply (30, 60, 90): NDC #:
Dr. Name: Price: Comments:
Important! A signature is required.
Please sign and date here: I certify that the above information is correct and the prescriptions listed
above are for myself or eligible members of my family who have received the medication described
above, and I authorize release of all information contained on this claim form to Envolve Pharmacy
Solutions and my plan sponsor.
Signature: _________________________________________________________________________ Date signed: _ ___________________________
Rev. 1120
click to sign
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