Education Debt Consumer Assistance Program (EDCAP)
Request for Proposals for Albany and Monroe Agencies
The Education Debt Consumer Assistance Program (EDCAP), a program of the Community
Service Society of New York (CSS), invites non-profit community-based organizations to
participate in this Request for Proposals (RFP). EDCAP anticipates awarding two contracts total to
organizations in Albany and Monroe to provide direct consumer assistance to individuals with
higher education debt, which includes federal and private student loans. Organizations in either of
these two counties that can serve surrounding counties are highly encouraged to apply. The
$45,000-$70,000 grant award is for a 12-month period but will be pro-rated based on the contract’s
actual start date. CSS expects to announce the awards on March 11, 2022, via the EDCAP website, The EDCAP contract will likely begin on April 1, 2022, and likely end on March 31.
2023. Project grant, dates and potential of renewal are contingent upon a State award to CSS and
receipt of State funding.
Through this RFP, EDCAP’s objective is to begin to create a statewide network of
community-based organizations with experience providing financial literacy, higher education
debt counseling or other direct services to the target population, individuals with higher education
debt. EDCAP would like to fund organizations that serve diverse populations, including but not
limited to organizations that serve consumers from culturally, geographically, and linguistically
isolated communities, as well as organizations that serve people with mental and physical
disabilities. The selected applicants will provide services, including walk-in services (subject to
COVID protocols), free of charge to consumers.
Release of RFP
January 25, 2022
Questions About This RFP Due
February 4, 2022
Answers Posted
February 8, 2022
Application Due
February 28, 2022
Award Announcements
March 11, 2022
Education Debt Consumer Assistance Program (EDCAP)Request for Proposals 2
The Community Service Society of New York (CSS) is a 175-year-old not-for-profit
organization. CSS has been a leader in promoting policies and providing direct services that
advance the economic security of working low- and moderate-income New Yorkers. CSS’s work is
accomplished through applied research, advocacy, direct services, volunteer mobilization, and
development of innovative program models evaluated for their potential for large-scale
replication. In the direct services arena, CSS is a nationally recognized expert in running consumer
assistance programs. CSS continues to be at the forefront of identifying and tackling issues most
adversely impacting vulnerable populations, including those with student loan debt.
Student loan debt is a $98 billion crisis in New York that impacts more than 2.4 million
borrowers. In response, CSS launched EDCAP in 2019, a consumer assistance program to help
tackle the serious and growing problem of student debt that disproportionately affects low- and
middle-income borrowers, first generation college students, individuals who do not earn a degree,
and minority communities. EDCAP is modeled after CSS’s successful Community Health Advocates
(CHA) program and features a “hub-and-spokes” service delivery approach. As the “hub” CSS
established and manages a live-answer student loan helpline (888-614-5004) and provides direct
counseling services to borrowers. To support the “Helpline” and expand services, CSS will now
partner with a network of trusted community-based organizations (CBOs) where borrowers who
require additional, in-person (or remote) assistance, can go for advice and, if necessary, legal
assistance with their student loan issues, free of charge. The goal of the program is to help student
loan borrowers effectively manage their student debt and improve their financial health. What is
unique about this program is that it provides consumers with an in-depth assessment of their
financial situation, accounting for personal objectives, to help develop feasible short- and long-
term solutions related to their student debt. The program is a one-stop shop for student debt
issues, regardless of the type of debt, federal or private.
Organizational Structure
EDCAP operates under a “hub and spokes” model and at full program scale will be
composed of three types of organizations: CSS’s central hub; EDCAP community-based
organizations; and Specialist Agencies.
Central HubCSS
Manage and organize RFP process; oversee
and provide administrative services;
operate live central toll-free helpline for
direct assistance to consumers and
advocates; manage EDCAP website and
Education Debt Consumer Assistance Program (EDCAP)Request for Proposals 3
EDCAP Advocate’s Portal; provide technical
assistance and training; perform data
collection and quality assurance; develop
educational materials and presentations;
make program reports to policy makers,
administrators, and the State on
consumers’ experiences with the higher
education financing and repayment
systems, particularly as they relate to the
implementation of any federal or state
student debt rules, policies and programs.
Specialist Agencies
Provide legal support, technical assistance,
and training; assist with tracking of and
advocacy on systemic issues; advise
network organizations on cases and take
referrals of complex cases; assist network
organizations through regular case review
meetings; conduct periodic policy updates
on relevant issues.
Community-Based Organizations
Provide individual assistance to consumers
with their higher education debt issues;
conduct community presentations on
substantive student debt and related
topics; conduct outreach.
The community-based organization funded under this RFP will be part of the EDCAP
network and will help New Yorkers address their student debt issues. Applicants must be able to
demonstrate financial viability to carry out EDCAP services based on information required in this
RFP. In addition, any information deemed confidential or proprietary shall be specified as such by
applicants. Should a proposal be accepted, however, all claims to confidentiality are subject to the
terms of any prime agreement that may be entered into between CSS and the State.
Applicants must be non-profits, membership associations, local counties or other mission-
driven organizations that have demonstrated experience in providing financial literacy, higher
education debt counseling or other direct services to the target population, individuals with higher
education debt.
Education Debt Consumer Assistance Program (EDCAP)Request for Proposals 4
CSS also requires that applicants disclose any potential conflicts of interest. It will look
closely at any organizations or individuals that may have a conflict of interest, for example, by
providing and charging for student loan relief, to determine if such services would pose an
insurmountable conflict.
The EDCAP organizations selected will receive regular monthly trainings and support from
CSS. Assistance is to be provided in an accessible, culturally, and linguistically appropriate manner,
including options for telephone, web, email, mail, and in-person assistance. The organization will
be expected to provide the following services:
Individual Assistance: Counsel and assist consumers individually on issues related to
student loan and higher education debt.
Examples of cases include:
Educate consumers on their repayment options, forgiveness and discharge
programs they may be eligible for and other student loans rights and
Develop an individualized short- and long-term strategy based on debt size and
current or future earnings potential of the borrower;
Help consumers apply for loan forgiveness, cancelation and discharge programs;
Resolve disputes with loan servicers and lenders;
Get consumers out of default to prevent wage garnishment, social security
offsets, and tax refund intercepts;
Assist with the filing of complaints;
Collect, track, and quantify problems encountered by consumers and share this
information with relevant stakeholders to create systemic positive change;
Refer consumers to other services and resources as needed.
The level of a network organization’s assistance and involvement in a case may vary
depending on the circumstances. A case may involve providing basic information to a
consumer on repayment options, or help applying for debt discharge, forgiveness, or
Community Outreach and Presentations: The EDCAP organization will provide community
presentations designed to educate consumers, advocates, and stakeholders about the
issues related to higher education debt, relief available, and their rights and responsibilities.
Venues for these presentations may include but are not limited to the following: non-
profits, government agencies, higher education institutions, public libraries, and the public
at large.
Education Debt Consumer Assistance Program (EDCAP)Request for Proposals 5
Client Stories: The EDCAP organization will identify consumers who have benefited from
EDCAP services and are willing to share their stories with the public and will submit their
stories to CSS following CSS protocols.
Trends and Issue Tracking: CSS expects that the EDCAP organization will be ready, willing,
and able to collaborate with other EDCAP organizations to identify trends and issues
affecting student loan borrowers.
EDCAP Organization Requirements
The agency selected to join the EDCAP network will be provided with a subcontract and a
Policies and Procedures Manual for the program. Generally, the agency should expect the
following requirements:
Staffing and Responsibilities
The EDCAP organization will agree to designate a staff for the program who will serve as the
EDCAP Coordinator and will be responsible for:
attending EDCAP meetings;
remaining current on higher education debt policies relevant to the services
overseeing other EDCAP staff at his/her organization, including reviewing cases and
monitoring presentations;
collecting and reporting data as directed by CSS on a timely basis;
collecting client stories during the contract period with appropriate media releases;
coordinating with CSS to create and implement corrective action plans, as
appropriate; and
cooperating with CSS to ensure that any EDCAP staff at his/her organization is
adequately trained and competent to provide services.
The EDCAP organization will agree to:
collect and report data, via the cloud based EDCAP database (Salesforce), about
activities performed, consumers served, student debt issues addressed, and
services provided following CSS guidelines in the subcontract and Policies and
Procedures Manual. Organizations must currently have computers with internet
access, printers, telephone, and email;
adhere to appropriate confidentiality procedures;
cooperate with monitoring by CSS, which may include site visits, observations of
community presentations, and reviews of individual services reported through the
database; and
Education Debt Consumer Assistance Program (EDCAP)Request for Proposals 6
encourage consumer participation in any program evaluations, as deemed
necessary by CSS, including client satisfaction surveys, presentation participant
evaluations, and EDCAP surveys.
Performance Measures for Services
The EDCAP organization must comply with the following:
provide high quality services;
ensure timey data entry and that data entry accurately and completely reflects
services provided;
ensure continuity and appropriateness of staff and organization competence in
providing EDCAP services;
timely compliance with contractual requirements; and
Feedback and Assessment
The EDCAP organization will agree to:
provide feedback on consumer and advocate materials, presentations, and other
special projects to advance EDCAP goals upon CSS’s request; and
participate in evaluations and assessments of EDCAP and its components on an as-
needed basis.
The amount of the grant awarded to the EDCAP organization is contingent upon an award to
CSS and depends upon the scope of work and services proposed by applicants. Grants consist of
two components:
1. Baselines, which refer to the numbers of individual assistance cases the EDCAP
organization is contractually obligated to achieve monthly; and
2. Deliverables that include attendance at meetings and presentations, consumer stories
submissions, timely reporting and invoicing, and quality services.
The EDCAP organization must meet both requirements to receive full payment. CSS
anticipates awarding a grant from $45,000 to $70,000 on an annualized basis.
An organization that is awarded a $70,000 grant will typically commit to serving 250
individual consumers through one-on-one counseling services and reach an additional 500
individuals through outreach and education during the 12-month period. The organization would
typically serve more than one county.
Education Debt Consumer Assistance Program (EDCAP)Request for Proposals 7
Evaluation criteria include:
Mission: The mission of the organization aligns with EDCAP.
Diversity: The organization itself adds to the diversity of the EDCAP network.
Capacity: The organization will be ready to provide services upon receiving the award.
Population Served: Organization’s proposed plan to target borrowers most impacted by
student debt in the sought coverage area, and feasibility of said plan.
Economic Equity: Organization demonstrated how they are addressing economic
Advocacy: Organization’s demonstrated ability to identify and document systemic problems
and to collect clients’ stories that can be shared with the public.
Reporting: Organization’s demonstrated ability to report services promptly.
Casework: Proposed number of individual cases and feasibility of said goal.
Outreach: Organization’s outreach plan strengthens EDCAP’s recognition in local
Sustainability: The organization expressed willingness to work for EDCAP’s long-term
Submission Requirements
All items listed in sections A to F below must be included in each proposal to be deemed
complete. Proposals missing any component will not be considered.
A. Cover Form (Form Attached)
Complete and submit the cover form, signed and dated by: (1) the organization’s
Executive Director or (2) the President or Leader of the organization’s Board of
Directors or governing board (and of the organization’s fiscal sponsor, if applicable).
Include the organization’s Employer Identification Number (EIN).
B. Letter of Commitment from the organization’s Executive Director or President of the
Board of Directors
C. Financial Statements & Legal Documents
Proof of not-for-profit status (if applicable): (i.e., 501(c) tax-exempt
A copy of the organization’s most recent audited financial statement with
the management letter from the auditors;
A copy of the organization’s most recent CHAR500 and proof of filing (if
A copy of the organization’s most recent IRS Form 990 and proof of filing
(if available);
Education Debt Consumer Assistance Program (EDCAP)Request for Proposals 8
Anti-discrimination attestation;
Conflict of Interest attestation:
D. Proposal Narrative (not to exceed 6 pages):
1. Tell us about your organization’s mission and experience helping
consumers with financial literacy or higher education debt-related
2. Tell us about the consumers you will serve:
Geographic area;
Population description, including: primary languages of
consumers or service population; service to racial, ethnic, or
linguistic minority (describe). Describe other unique
characteristics of the organization’s service population (e.g.,
rural populations, small businesses, artists or other trade
groups, LGBT populations, or other underserved
Income status and sources.
3. Are there any restrictions on the organization’s ability to advocate
freely and vigorously on behalf of consumers? If so, please describe.
4. Can the organization report case data to funders in a timely fashion?
Describe current data tracking capacity.
5. Describe any experience the organization has in advocating for
systemic changes on behalf of the service population or constituency.
Describe any experience using clients’ stories to advocate for
systemic changes.
6. Deliverables and staffing:
Number of individual assistance cases your organization will
handle per month. Describe the staffing that will be dedicated to
the grant to provide these services, including the background,
training, experience, and current duties of any personnel already
on staff who will deliver or supervise services under this project.
7. Accessibility:
Education Debt Consumer Assistance Program (EDCAP)Request for Proposals 9
Is the organization’s site accessible to most consumers by public
transportation? If not, how do consumers access its services?
Is the organization’s site accessible to people with disabilities?
What reasonable accommodations are made for people with
disabilities, so they may access services? Please provide copies of
written policies, if any.
Describe if the organization is accessible via phone, email, web
application, and in-person.
Please list all office locations and hours where EDCAP services will
be provided.
8. Outreach:
Please describe how the organization will market and do outreach
to promote EDCAP services.
Please describe any media experience your organization may have.
9. Sustainability:
Please tell us about your organization’s ability to participate in
sustainability activities like educating community leaders about
the need for EDCAP services in your community.
E. Budget (1 page) & Budget Narrative (1 to 2 pages)
The information requested in this section will be used to evaluate your proposal’s
cost-effectiveness, as compared to proposals from other applicants. CSS reserves
the right to negotiate these terms with awardee.
Propose a grant amount for the project period.
Provide a line-item budget for a 12-month term, describing how the
amount proposed will be used for this project. (This will be pro-rated for
the first year.) Include:
o Personnel expenses (consistent with staffing listed above);
o Other than personnel expenses; and
o In-kind or other organizational contributions.
o Note that due to funding restrictions, indirect costs are not
Provide a detailed budget narrative. If you propose a significantly higher
or lower cost as compared to the typical grant in relation to services
proposed, explain the cost difference.
F. Two Letters of Reference (not to exceed one page, single-spaced)
Each applicant must provide two reference letters from persons or organizations
familiar with the organization and its work.
Education Debt Consumer Assistance Program (EDCAP)Request for Proposals 10
CSS requests that all organizations submit their proposal electronically to CSS no later than
5:00 pm on February 28, 2022. Emailed proposals should be sent to
The proposal should be signed by the appropriate individuals (see Contents of the Proposal,
Cover Form). Please use 12-point font, one-inch margins and double spacing, unless otherwise
CSS reserves rights to postpone or cancel this RFP; reject all proposals; request additional
information; negotiate with applicants individually; modify the number of awardees and dollar
amounts of grants; amend specifications; eliminate requirements; accept only those proposals
that serve the best interests of the program; terminate subcontracts for poor performance or in
the best interest of the program; and amend terms of subcontracts to serve the best interests of
the program. The organization selected will be asked to provide evidence of general liability
insurance, workers compensation, disability, and errors and omissions insurance upon signing a
subcontract with CSS.
Organization subcontracts awarded through this RFP are contingent on the award and
availability of funds provided by New York State.
Questions about this RFP should be emailed by 5:00 pm on February 4, 2022, to The subject line should be EDCAP RFP Questions. Responses to
common questions will be posted on the EDCAP website,, by 5:00 pm on February 8,
Education Debt Consumer Assistance Program (EDCAP)
Request for Proposals
Proposal Checklist
Page 1 of 1
___ Cover Form, signed and dated by organization’s Executive Director or leader of its Board
of Directors
___ Letter of Commitment from the organization’s Executive Director or leader of its Board of
___ Proof of Not-for-Profit Status and/or Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable)
___ Organization’s board-approved budget and actuals for the current fiscal year
___ Organization’s most recently completed Single Audit – include government grant audited
financial statement(s) with the management letter from the auditors (if applicable)
___ Copy of the organization’s most recent CHAR500 and proof of filing (if available)
___ Copy of the organization’s most recent IRS Form 990 and proof of filing (if available)
___ Most recent NYS Vendor Responsibility Questionnaire (VRQ)
___ Anti-Discrimination Compliance Attestation
___ Conflict of Interest Attestation (if applicable)
___ Proposal Narrative (not to exceed 6 pages)
___ Proposed 12-month program budget (not to exceed 1 page)
___ Proposed program budget narrative (not to exceed 2 pages)
___Two Letters of Reference (each not to exceed 1 page, single-spaced)
Education Debt Consumer Assistance Program
Request for Proposals
Cover Form
Page 1 of 2
Please note that this form must be signed by the organization’s Executive Director or equivalent
operational leader (and fiscal conduit, if applicable) and the President or Leader of the Board of
Directors or governing board (and the fiscal conduit, if applicable). This form and the entire
original application are due by the due date indicated in the Important Dates section.
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Email Address:
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (or equivalent operational leader) print name and title:
Name: ____________________________________
Title: _____________________________________
Signature: _________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
PRESIDENT OR LEADER OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS (or governing board) print name and title
Name: ____________________________________
Title: _____________________________________
Signature: _________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Education Debt Consumer Assistance Program
Request for Proposals
Cover Form
Page 2 of 2
***Only fill out this form if organization uses a Fiscal Conduit***
FISCAL CONDUIT (if applicable):
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (or equivalent operational leader) print name and title:
Name: ___________________________________
Title: ____________________________________
Signature: _______________________________
Date: _____________________
PRESIDENT OR LEADER OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS (or governing board) print name and title
Name: ___________________________________
Title: ____________________________________
Signature: _______________________________
Date: ___________________
Education Debt Consumer Assistance Program
Request for Proposals
Anti-Discrimination Compliance Attestation
Page 1 of 1
Organization abides by all Federal Equal Employment
Opportunity regulations, including the Civil Rights
Act of 1964 and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975
Organization abides by the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990
Organization abides by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Organization will provide services that are
linguistically and culturally appropriate
I hereby attest that the above is true and accurate.
Name: ____________________________________
Title: _____________________________________
Signature: _________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Education Debt Consumer Assistance Program (EDCAP)
Request for Proposals
Conflict of Interest Attestation Form (if applicable)
Page 1 of 2
1. Describe the organization’s primary activities.
2. Does the organization provide student loan relief services for a fee or engage in debt
collection activities?
3. Does the organization receive any direct or indirect consideration from a student loan
servicer or debt collector? If yes, then please describe the terms and conditions for
receipt of such consideration.
a. Explain why the organization’s provision of services or products, or the relationship
described will not create a conflict of interest or potential for non-objective
performance of EDCAP’s activities.
4. If applicable, describe the services or products that the organization currently provides or
anticipates providing. If the organization has a fiscal or legal relationship with a student
loans servicer or debt collector, state the name of the provider and describe the
relationship with the applicant organization.
a. Explain why the organization’s provision of services or products, or the relationship
described will not create a conflict of interest or potential for non-objective
performance of EDCAP activities.
By signing below, I represent that the above statements are factually correct, and I am authorized
to sign and bind my respective organization to the statements herein.
Signature: ___________________________
Name: ______________________________
Title: _______________________________
Date: ________________________________