Blue Dog Training Pty Ltd RTO 31193
VETiS Enrolment Form
Version: 06 May 2021
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VETiS Enrolment Form
Legal First Name Legal Surname:
Legal Middle
Name: (optional)
Have you ever been known by any other legal surname?
Yes No
If Yes, previous surname:
Name of School:
Student school email address:
Date of Birth:
Male Female Other Prefer not to specify
Home Phone No: Mobile No:
Residential Address
Suburb Postcode
Postal Address (if different):
Do you identify as:
Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Neither
If applicable, language other than English spoken at home:
Country of birth:
Australia New Zealand Other (Name of birthplace):
Current Year level
Yr 10 Yr 11 Yr 12
Office use only
Highest year
Have you SUCCESSFULLY completed or enrolled in another qualification?
No Yes
If Yes
Certificate I Certificate II Course name:
Name of organisation where you studied:
CPC10120 Certificate I in Construction MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways
CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry
Apply principles of occupational health and
safety in the work environment
Apply WHS requirements, policies and procedures
in the construction industry
MEM16008A Interact with computing technology
Work effectively and sustainably in the
construction industry
MEM18001C Use hand tools
CPCCOM1014 Conduct workplace communication MEMPE005A
Develop a career plan for the engineering and
manufacturing industry
CPCCCM2004 Handle construction materials MSAENV272B
Participate in environmentally sustainable work
CPCCOM1013 Plan and organise work MEMPE006A Undertake a basic engineering project
CPCCCM1011 Undertake basic estimation and costing MEM18002B Use power tools/hand held operations
CPCCCM2005 Use construction tools and equipment MEMPE002A Use electric welding machines
CPCCOM1015 Carry out measurements and calculations MEM16006A Organise and communicate information
CPCCOM2001 Read and interpret plans and specifications MEMPE007A
Pull apart and re-assemble engineering
CPCCVE1011 Undertake a basic construction project
Work in a team
MEMPE001A Use engineering workshop machines
Blue Dog Training Pty Ltd RTO 31193
VETiS Enrolment Form
Version: 06 May 2021
Page 2
If you answer YES to the question below, Blue Dog Training will be in contact with you to clarify your support needs and if required make additional
support available to you. If this extra support attracts an additional cost to you (e.g. engagement of an interpreter) Blue Dog Training will provide this
information to you prior to accepting your enrolment.
Do you consider yourself to have any disabilities, impairments, or long-term conditions? No Yes
If yes, please indicate:
Language, Literacy & Numeracy
To determine if you need support to successfully undertake this course it
is important that Blue Dog Training can determine if you have any
learning needs and evaluate your knowledge and skill in reading, writing,
numeracy and communication. Where any of the required LL&N Core
Skills levels are greater than the LL&N Core Skills levels you possess,
additional support may be required for you to complete the CPC10120
Certificate I in Construction or the Certificate II in Engineering Pathways
course. Please contact Blue Dog Training if you require further
The following skills or performance range from 1 (low level performance)
to 5 (high level performance). More information on the Australian Core
Skills Framework can be found at:
The following Graph below illustrates the skill levels required for each
Skill levels required to complete the CPC10120Certificate I in Construction
Skill levels required to complete the MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering
Please complete the questions in the table below:
Yes: Indicates you should possess the LL&N Core Skill level assessed by the question asked.
No: Indicates you may not possess the LL&N Core Skill assessed by the question asked.
Skill Level Assessed - Level 1
Give simple information to someone e.g. What time the supermarket opens?
Follow simple written instructions e.g. How to change a battery?
Send a text message to a friend about something you saw or heard?
Express basic opinions to your friends? e.g. Whether you like something or not.
Use a calculator to add and subtract e.g.. check your savings?
Skill Level Assessed - Level 2
Ask questions to confirm that you understand something?
Follow directions on a map?
Fill in information in a formatted checklist or form?
Follow verbal instructions to complete a task?
Order items from an Internet shopping site?
Skill Level Assessed - Level 3
Give basic presentation to a group on something you know well?
Order Items on an Internet shopping site?
Complete formatted documents? e.g. forms, records or reports.
Actively take part in a meeting? e.g. Introduce something that you want to discuss.
Estimate the length or weight of something?
Skill Level Assessed - Level 4
Understand plans, including symbols and abbreviations?
Get Involved in workshop negotiations e.g. negotiating changes to your involvement in a project?
Estimate the length or weight of something?
When you successfully complete the Cert I in Construction course
CPC10120 you will have:
When you successfully complete the Cert II in Engineering pathways course
MEM20413 you will have:
Read and understood plans
Communicated and clarified verbal information in teams and on sites
Accurately taken measurements and calculated costings
Calculated areas and volumes of spaces
Safely used technology and tools
Constructed a simple project
Interpreted and recorded information in workplace documentation
Communicated and clarified verbal information in a team environment
Safely used technology, machinery and tools
Used measuring equipment
Researched and developed a product
Office Use Only Details of Support (if applicable)
Blue Dog Training Pty Ltd RTO 31193
VETiS Enrolment Form
Version: 06 May 2021
Page 3
I declare that to the best of my knowledge the information I have provided is true and correct
I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my personal information in accordance with the Privacy Notice outlined in the enrolment
form I have read, understood the following information provided and wish to participate in Blue Dog Training's VET in Schools program:
Department of Employment, Small Business and Training Vocational Education and Training in School
( providers/Documents/funded/vetis)
VET in Schools student course information
Blue Dog Training’s Student Handbook
I confirm that I am participating in this course to assist in getting a job
I am aware I am accessing training funded by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training. I will only be funded for one
employment stream qualification under the VETiS program
I agree to give Blue Dog Training permission to search for my USI and contact other RTO's regarding VETiS funding and Statement of
Attainment if required
I understand my eligibility will be checked prior to acceptance of enrolment
I have attached documentation as evidence of my eligibility for enrolment in the VETiS program (outlined in Guidelines for completing the
VETiS enrolment form)
I understand I have completed the (LL&N) core skills self-assessment to indicate if my LL&N skills are of a level to successfully complete the
CPC10120 Certificate I in Construction course and or the MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways.
I understand the course LL&N Core Skills requirements above.
I understand my LL&N Core Skills self-assessment results above.
I understand that where any of my LL&N Core Skills self-assessment results do not meet the course LL&N Core Skills requirements, I may
require additional support.
I understand Blue Dog Training’s method/strategy to make support available - That is one-on-one support is available from a qualified
Trainer and Assessor during face to face training or by contacting the Blue Dog Training office between 7:30am and 5:00pm Monday to
Student Full Name:
Parent/Guardian Full Name:
Email Address:
Contact Number:
I declare that the student identified above is eligible for VETiS Funding, resides in Qld and is currently enrolled at this school, and is not an
international student.
I declare that the student identified above is NOT eligible for VETiS funding, resides in Qld and is currently enrolled at this school, and is not an
international student.
Other VETiS funded course: ______________________________________________________________________________
Other RTO: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
In situations where a student is not eligible for funding, under the DESBT funding arrangements for VETiS qualifications, the Fee for Service cost per
course is $1200. Please refer to the Guidelines attached to this enrolment for payment details.
Student is currently enrolled at:
School Name
School representative:
Blue Dog Training Pty Ltd RTO 31193
VETiS Enrolment Form
Version: 06 May 2021
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Guidelines for completing the VETiS Enrolment form
The following information is to be read in conjunction with the VETiS Enrolment form
Australian Citizen
(please provide 1 item from each box below)
Non-Australian Citizen
(please provide 1 item from each box below)
Australian Birth Certificate (Not extract or Commemorative) OR
Passport (Current or expired less than two years) OR
Driver's License (Front and back)
Passport (Current or expired less than two years) OR
Visa Documentation OR
Australian Driver's License (Front and back)
School ID Card (Current and must include photo)
School ID Card (Current and must include photo)
Green Medicare card (Colour Copy)
Green Medicare card (Colour Copy)
Please note that your enrolment in the Blue Dog Training VETiS program cannot be processed until all required documents have been received
and verified. An incomplete enrolment form will be returned to you and may delay your participation in the program.
If you are unable to provide one or more of the above ID documents, please contact our office on (07) 3166 3900
CPC10120 - Certificate I in Construction Cost: $1200 GST Free
MEM20413 - Certificate II in Engineering Pathways Cost: $1200 GST Free
By providing my details below, I authorise Blue Dog Training to charge me according to the selected course scheme & structure above for enrolment into this course
Card number:
Card expiry:
Card holder's name:
Card holder's signature:
Please do not type signature
Make invoice out to:
Billing address:
invoice to:
Download the documents referred to below which provide an understanding of your commitment to participating and the support available in the
VETiS program:
Department of Employment, Small Business and Training Vocational Education and Training in
School (
VET in Schools student course information;
Blue Dog Training’s Student Handbook
Under the Data Provision Requirements 2012, Blue Dog Training is required to collect personal information about you and to disclose that personal
information to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER).
Your personal information (including the personal information contained on this enrolment form), may be used or disclosed by Blue Dog Training
for statistical, administrative, regulatory and research purposes. Blue Dog Training may disclose your personal information for these purposes to:
Commonwealth and State or Territory government departments and authorised agencies; and
Personal information that has been disclosed to NCVER may be used or disclosed by NCVER for the following purposes:
Populating authenticated VET transcripts;
Facilitating statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage;
Pre-populating RTO student enrolment forms;
Understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information; and
Administering VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation.
You may receive a student survey which may be administered by a government department or NCVER employee, agent or third party contractor
or other authorised agencies. Please note you may opt out of the survey at the time of being contacted.
NCVER will collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the National VET Data Policy and
all NCVER policies and protocols (including those published on NCVER’s website at
Keep these documents on hand as a reference throughout your training
Blue Dog Training Pty Ltd RTO 31193
VETiS Enrolment Form
Version: 06 May 2021
Page 5
Privacy Notice & Applicant Declaration
Why we collect your personal information
As a registered training organisation (RTO), Blue Dog Training collects your personal information so we can process and manage your enrolment in a
vocational education and training (VET) course with us. If you do provide adequate information as requested, Blue Dog Training may not be able to
process your application.
How we use your personal information
We use your personal information to enable us to deliver VET courses to you, and otherwise, as needed, to comply with our obligations as an RTO.
How we disclose your personal information
We are required by law (under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (Cth) [NVETR Act]) to disclose the personal
information we collect about you to the National VET Data Collection kept by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER). The
NCVER is responsible for collecting, managing, analysing and communicating research and statistics about the Australian VET sector.
We are also authorised by law (under the NVETR Act) to disclose your personal information to the relevant state or territory training authority.
How the NCVER and other bodies handle your personal information
The NCVER will collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the law, including the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act)
and the NVETR Act.
Your personal information may be used and disclosed by NCVER for purposes that include:
populating authenticated VET transcripts
administration of VET
facilitation of statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage; and
understanding the VET market.
The NCVER is authorised to disclose information to the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE), Commonwealth
authorities, State and Territory authorities (other than registered training organisations) that deal with matters relating to VET and VET regulators for
the purposes of those bodies, including to enable:
administration of VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation
facilitation of statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage
understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information.
The NCVER may also disclose personal information to persons engaged by NCVER to conduct research on NCVER’s behalf.
The NCVER does not intend to disclose your personal information to any overseas recipients.
For more information about how the NCVER will handle your personal information please refer to the NCVER’s Privacy Policy at
If you would like to seek access to or correct your information, in the first instance, please contact your Blue Dog Training trainer who will be able to
provide the requested information or access.
DESE is authorised by law, including the Privacy Act and the NVETR Act, to collect, use and disclose your personal information to fulfil specified functions
and activities. For more information about how the DESE will handle your personal information, please refer to the DESE VET Privacy Notice at
Please refer to the additional State or Territory Authority Privacy Notice included in this application process should this be relevant to your application.
You may receive a student survey which may be run by a government department or an NCVER employee, agent, third-party contractor or another
authorised agency. Please note you may opt out of the survey at the time of being contacted.
Contact information
At any time, you may contact Blue Dog Training to:
request access to your personal information
correct your personal information
make a complaint about how your personal information has been handled
ask a question about this Privacy Notice
For information about how Blue Dog Training collects, uses and discloses your personal information generally, including how you can make a complaint
about a breach of privacy, please refer to Blue Dog Training privacy policy which can be found within the Student Handbook and on the web at
Blue Dog Training retains a record of personal information about all individuals with whom we undertake any form of business activity. Blue Dog
Training must collect, hold, use and disclose information from our clients and stakeholders for a range of purposes.
Identification Evidence
As a government registered training organisation, regulated by the Australian Skills Quality Authority, Blue Dog Training is required to collect, hold, use
and disclose a wide range of personal and sensitive information on Students in nationally recognised training programs. This information requirement is
outlined in the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 and associated legislative instruments.
Blue Dog Training Pty Ltd RTO 31193
VETiS Enrolment Form
Version: 06 May 2021
Page 6
Blue Dog Training must require and confirm identification however in services delivery to individuals for nationally recognised course programs. We are
authorised by Australian law to deal only with individuals who have appropriately identified themselves. That is, it is a Condition of Registration for all
RTOs under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 that we identify individuals and their specific individual needs on
commencement of services delivery and collect and disclose Australian Vocational Education and Training Management of Information Statistical
Standard (AVETMISS) data on all individuals enrolled in nationally recognised training programs.
In providing your personal information as requested and signing this notice, you are providing your consent for the collection, storage, use and
disclosure of your personal information as outlined and confirming your receipt of, and understanding of these details.
Important Information relating to your enrolment in the VET in Schools Program
What is Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VETiS)?
VETiS provides students who want to get a head start in industry with valuable skills and qualifications to help transition from school to work. Units
of competency attained at school are recognised in industry and go toward gaining a full trade qualification. Blue Dog Training will be working with
school students who are keen to move into an apprenticeship after school.
About Blue Dog Training
Blue Dog Training is Australia's leading provider of construction induction training and one of Queensland's largest providers of training for
apprentices in Construction and Engineering. We have won multiple awards for our innovative and quality training methods, and we have been
working with schools for over 12 years.
The Blue Dog Training’s VETiS program is a partnership between the student's school and Blue Dog Training for the delivery of a qualification. The
program commences in Year 11 and is delivered during normal school hours as part of a student's regular school timetable.
Funding and Eligibility
The Department of Employment, Small Business and Training provides funding for school students to complete only one approved VETiS
qualification while at school. Therefore, it is very important that students and their parents take the time to consider and compare their training
options before signing an enrolment form or committing to a course of study which will use up the student's one Queensland Government
subsidised VETiS training entitlement.
Students who are eligible for funding and are undertaking their first funded qualification under the VETiS program will not incur any costs.
Students and Parents need to be aware that they are undertaking subsidised training within the VETiS program and will not be eligible for further
VETiS funding once they have completed a qualification targeted through the VETiS program. Students will be eligible for further subsidised
training after they have completed year 12, under programs such as Certificate III Guarantee program, User Choice program and Year 12 fee-free
Please take the time to check your eligibility and program details at the Queensland Skills Gateway website
Each funded student should refer to the applicable fact sheet for the relevant Program published on the department's training website https://
Student Obligations
As a student undertaking a qualification funded by the Queensland Government, Department of Education and Training, you will need to take your
training seriously. Blue Dog Training has the responsibility of monitoring students' progress through their training. Students will need to progress
at a reasonable rate and make all efforts to complete the tasks associated with training. Students who are not progressing will be provided time
and support to catch up from Blue Dog Training. However, students are responsible for their progression and to be successful within the
qualification will require completion of all assessments. Students are also required to complete a survey of their experiences in training within 3
months of completing or withdrawing from the training.
More Information
Please access the following websites for more information about the qualification you are completing and your obligations as a student of
Blue Dog Training: Department of Employment, Small Business and Training website:
Blue Dog Training VETiS Student Course Information:
Blue Dog Training Student Handbook:
Learner Support
In accordance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015, education and support services may include, but are not
limited to:
pre-enrolment materials;
study support and study skills programs;
language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) programs or referrals to
these programs;
equipment, resources and/or programs to increase access for
learners with disabilities and other learners in accordance with
access and equity;
learning resource centres;
mediation services or referrals to these services;
flexible scheduling and delivery of training and assessment;
counselling services or referrals to these services;
information and communications technology (ICT) support;
learning materials in alternative formats, for example, in large
learning and assessment programs contextualised to the
workplace; and
any other services that the RTO considers necessary to support
learners to achieve competency.