I understand that approval to participate in this program may include a review of my academic and disciplinary
records. I give Tallahassee Community College and lead faculty making decisions on my participation to review these
records. Furthermore, I understand and agree that if I should be approved to participate in this program I will
continue to be subject to the rules and regulations of Tallahassee Community College in both academic and personal
behavior. I also agree to be subject to other rules given by the lead faculty of this program. I also will be subject to all
laws of the host country. I understand that failure to obey any rules or laws may result in the premature ending of
my participation in this program. I will be responsible for all expenses as a result of disciplinary sanctions or illegal or
unacceptable activity.
As a participating study abroad student, I understand the need to be willing to learn about host cultures and be open
to new ideas even though they may be culturally challenging. I recognize that customs and standard of living may
differ significantly from the U.S.A. I am aware that it is both inappropriate and culturally insensitive to use this time
to promote religious or political agenda; further, such behavior can cause offense and potentially place me in harm’s
way. I understand that, while the United States of America represents the right of freedom of expression, this is not
a universal right and may not be protected by law in some countries. Consequently, I will demonstrate a respect for
the host culture even though I may not agree with all aspects of that culture, and I understand that behavior that is
inconsistent with this statement may lead to my removal from the program.
I understand and agree that Tallahassee Community College reserves the right to decline to accept or retain me in
the Program at any time should my actions or general behavior impede the operation of the Program or the rights or
welfare of any person. Similarly, if my conduct violates any policy or procedure of Tallahassee Community College, I
understand that I may be required to leave the Program in the sole discretion of the College’s representative(s),
agent(s) or employee(s), and I may be referred to the appropriate college officials for further disciplinary actions. In
such an event, no refund will be made for any unused portion of the Program.
I agree to provide access to back-up funds to be used in case of shortfall due to emergencies or currency fluctuations.
I agree that Tallahassee Community College and its agents and employees are not responsible for any injury or loss
that happens during the travel and study abroad program, during periods of independent travel (which is
unsupervised), including travel to the travel sites, travel beyond the end-date of the program, travel when
participant is absent form supervised activities or when the participant elects to engage in unsupervised activities
that are not part of the study abroad program.
I understand and agree that Tallahassee Community College assumes no responsibility or liability, in whole or in part,
for any delays, delayed or changed departure or arrival times, fare changes, dishonors of hotel, airline or vehicle
rental reservations, missed carriers connections, sickness, disease, injuries (including death), losses, damages,
weather, strikes, acts of God, circumstances beyond the control of the College, force majeure, war, quarantine, civil
unrest, public health risks, criminal activity, terrorism, expense, accidence, injuries, damage to property,