The Tallahassee Community College CEMP is designed for use by the entire college
community. The CEMP establishes standard operating guidelines, based on existing
policies and procedures, for the response to an emergency impacting the College. The
CEMP describes the emergency management roles and responsibilities of the entire
college community and provides a strategy to be prepared as possible for the most
likely hazards. The CEMP is designed to protect lives and property through effective
use of college, local, state and federal resources.
Organizational Roles and Responsibilities
The following roles are considered critical for emergency management response.
Through their leadership positions on campus or a center, these organizational roles
provide representation to virtually every area, department, building and location of the
Campus Leaders
Vice Presidents are responsible for multiple departments and large areas within
the College.
Deans are responsible for Academic Departments sometimes multiple buildings
and areas.
Directors are responsible for College Programs, Departments, and sometime
satellite centers or locations.
Supervisors oversee smaller units within the College or specialized work groups
and areas.
Building Captains are employees who primarily work within a specified building
and are identified through red “Building Captain” vests. The Building Captains
have been trained in the emergency response plan (Classroom Emergency
Procedures Guide) for their specific office, department or division, as well as the
importance of providing leadership during emergency situations.
A primary and alternate Campus Leader along with the Building Captain(s) will be
designated to specific areas, buildings, and locations.
A current listing of the designated building captains will be maintained on the
Emergency Management website.