V.F. Student Discipline for Academic Misconduct Procedures
Section V.F.: Student Discipline for Academic Misconduct Procedures
These procedures supplement and clarify Section V.F. of the Lone Star College System
District Policy Manual (“Policy Manual”) last revised by the Board of Trustees on February
2, 2017—setting out the College’s policies regarding student discipline for academic
misconduct. These procedures are meant to be read in conjunction with Section V.F. of the
Policy Manual, and the Policy Manual controls when a conflict arises between it and the
procedures below. All terms defined in Section V.F. of the Policy Manual shall also be defined
terms for purposes of these procedures. These procedures were last updated on January 17,
2019. The notice and comment period was open to the public online from September 18,
2018 to October 18, 2018. Forms V.F.1. through V.F.4. referenced herein are included in the
appendix to these procedures.
1. Scope of Procedures. The procedures below are intended to apply to all discipline of
College students for academic misconduct covered in Section V.F. of the Policy Manual. These
procedures are not intended to apply to sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual violence,
or sexual discrimination committed by students—these types of misconduct are handled
under separate policies and procedures. Nor are these procedures intended to apply to non-
academic misconduct, which is handled under separate policies and procedures. Academic
misconduct can occur on campus, off campus, and online.
2. Designation of CAO. Every college president must designate a vice president to serve
as Chief Academic Officer (“CAO”) for that college and for the centers under that college’s
supervision. Each college president shall inform the Vice Chancellor for Academic Success
and the General Counsel whenever the CAO’s identity changes. The Office of the General
Counsel shall keep the current list of CAOs. Each CAO has primary responsibility for student
discipline for academic misconduct occurring on, or having harmful effects on, the premises
of the CAO’s college and centers under that college’s supervision. This includes responsibility
for academic misconduct by LSC-Online students whose home campus is the CAO’s college.
3. Designation and Rotation of Academic Integrity Review Committees. Each
college president shall designate five faculty members, five staff members, and five students
to serve in the college’s Academic Integrity Review Committee (“AIRC” or “Committee”) pool
to review suspensions and expulsions imposed by other colleges for academic misconduct.
Each AIRC from that college shall consist of three of the designated faculty and/or staff
members (including at least one staff member and one faculty member) and two of the
designated students. When a college president receives notice that its AIRC is needed for a
hearing, the college president or designee shall email three of the faculty and/or staff and
two of the students from the AIRC pool and require them to serve as the AIRC for the hearing.
If any of the contacted individuals legitimately cannot participate because of a conflict of
interest or an important scheduling conflict, the college president or designee shall contact
as many of the other designated individuals as necessary to create a full AIRC. Designated
individuals may not be compelled to serve on any particular AIRC, but the college president
may designate additional faculty and/or staff members and students as potential AIRC
members if needed. The college president shall select one of the Committee’s faculty or staff
members to serve as the Chair for the scheduled hearing. The Committee may not review