V.F. Student Discipline for Academic Misconduct Forms
Form V.F.1.:
Academic Misconduct Report
Any individual may use this form to report student academic misconduct. This form should
be submitted to the appropriate Chief Academic Officer (CAO).
Lone Star College strives to uphold the academic core values of learning. Students are subject
to academic discipline for academic misconduct and Academic Code of Conduct violations.
Please describe, in as much detail as possible, how the student’s actions violated the
Academic Code of Conduct, circumstances, and existing evidence of the misconduct,
including names, dates, times, and places. Instructors submitting this report should also
include how the grade was affected and any academic actions taken. List the name of any
person (and contact information, if available) who may have additional facts regarding the
misconduct. Attach additional sheets as necessary.
I understand that any statement I make on this Form V.F.1 which is false, misleading, or not
made in good faith may be grounds for discipline.
Printed Name Signature Date
For CAO Use Only Date Received:
Receiving CAO:
Printed Name Signature
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V.F. Student Discipline for Academic Misconduct Forms
Form V.F.2.: Notice of Academic
Integrity Review Committee (AIRC) Hearing
Chief Academic Officers should use this form to provide notice of the AIRC Hearing to his or
her college president, the Respondent, the AIRC’s college president, and the Office of the
General Counsel. This notice should provide at least seven working days’ notice before the
hearing date and should be accompanied by Section V.F. policy and procedures.
Respondent Information
LSC college:
Academic misconduct: _
CAO Decision
I find that the Respondent engaged in academic misconduct and the appropriate sanction is
suspension or expulsion. This decision represents my best judgment following
a sufficient investigation into the reported academic misconduct.
CAO Printed Name CAO Signature Date
A hearing before the Academic Integrity Review Committee to review this decision will
be held at [time] on [date] at the
following location: _.
If you have a conflict with this hearing, please inform me within five working days so
that we may reschedule the hearing.
Investigation Narrative
Summarize the investigation into the reported academic misconduct. Attach additional
sheets as necessary. Attach copies of related Forms V.F.1. and other related written reports.
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V.F. Student Discipline for Academic Misconduct Forms
V.F. Student Discipline for Academic Misconduct Forms
Form V.F.3.: Academic Integrity
Review Committee (AIRC) Decision
The AIRC should use this form to record their decision according to Section V.F. of the Policy
Manual and the procedures adopted thereunder. This decision must be signed by at least
three members of the AIRC who attended the hearing. The Chief Academic Officer’s decision
that preceded the hearing and the notice should be attached to this form. This form along
with its attachments must be sent to the Chancellor and the Office of the General Counsel
within five working days after the hearing ends.
Based on the evidence presented at the hearing and using a more-likely-than-not standard,
we find that (Respondent) did or did not engage in
the following academic misconduct: _ _
Recommended Sanction (if applicable)
We recommend that Respondent receive the following sanction for academic misconduct:
Expulsion; Suspension for up to weeks from college(s) or
all colleges, including centers, workforce, and online courses; or
Other sanction: __
This decision represents our best judgment regarding the subject matter of the hearing.
Printed Name Signature Date
Printed Name Signature Date
Printed Name Signature Date
Printed Name Signature Date
Printed Name
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V.F. Student Discipline for Academic Misconduct Forms
Form V.F.4.: Discipline Agreement
At any time, the College and Respondent may agree to impose certain sanctions if the
Respondent admits having engaged in academic misconduct.
Respondent’s Admission
I unconditionally admit to having engaged in the following academic misconduct:
Printed Name LSC ID No. Signature Date
Chief Academic Officer’s Judgment
I impose the following sanction on the student for the admitted academic misconduct:
The imposed sanction represents my best judgment of what is an appropriate sanction,
considering all applicable facts and circumstances.
Printed Name Signature Date
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