Form VI.F.1.: Report
of Non-Academic Misconduct
Any individual may use this form to report non-academic student misconduct. This form
should be submitted to the appropriate Chief Conduct Officer (list maintained at
Lone Star College strives to maintain a safe, orderly College community. Please describe the
facts, circumstances, and existing evidence of the misconduct, including names, dates, times,
and places, in as much detail as possible. List the name of any person (and contact
information, if available) who may have additional facts regarding the misconduct. Attach
additional sheets as necessary.
I understand that any statement I make on this Form VI.F.1 which is false, misleading, or not
made in good faith may be grounds for discipline.
____________________________________ ______________________________________ __________________
Printed Name Signature Date
For Office Use Only Date Received: ___________________________________________
Receiving Employee: _____________________________________ ____________________________________
Printed Name Signature
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Form VI.F.2.: Chief Conduct Officer’s Decision
on Reported Non-Academic Misconduct
Chief Conduct Officers should use this form to memorialize their decisions regarding
reported non-academic misconduct. If the Chief Conduct Officer decides that a student has
engaged in non-academic misconduct, this form must be sent to the student (“Respondent”)
within ten working days of when the Chief Conduct Officer received the report of non-
academic misconduct.
I find that the Respondent ______ did or ______ did not engage in non-academic misconduct.
This decision represents my best judgment following a sufficient investigation into the
reported non-academic misconduct.
____________________________________ ______________________________________ __________________
Printed Name Signature Date
Investigation Narrative
Summarize the investigation into the reported non-academic misconduct. Attach additional
sheets as necessary. Attach copies of related Forms VI.F.1. and other related written reports.
Respondent Information (if applicable)
Name: _____________________________________________________ LSC ID No.: ____________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________ LSC college: ____________________________
Non-academic misconduct: _________________________________________________________________________
Sanction(s) Imposed: ________________________________________________________________________________
If you have been suspended or expelled, then you have the right to request a hearing
before a Discipline Committee by replying to this email with your request within five
working days. If you do not request a hearing, this decision will become final at 5:00
p.m. central time on .
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Form VI.F.3.: Notice
of Discipline Committee Hearing
When a student (“Respondent”) entitled to a hearing before the Discipline Committee
requests such a hearing, the Chief Conduct Officer shall send this completed form or a written
communication containing equivalent information should be sent to the following: (1) the
Respondent; (2) the college president for the college to provide the Discipline Committee for
the hearing (contact the Office of the General Counsel for the appropriate college); (3) the
Chief Conduct Officer’s college president; and (4) the Office of the General Counsel. If the
hearing will be a joint hearing, list all Respondents. Include with this form the Forms VI.F.2.
and VI.F.1. related to the hearing.
Respondent Name(s): _______________________________________________________________________________
LSC college to provide Discipline Committee: _____________________________________________________
Chief Conduct Officer whose decision will be reviewed: __________________________________________
Hearing Date: ___________________________ Hearing Time: ______________________ Central Time
Hearing Location: ____________________________________________________________________________________
All hearing participants should arrive at least 15 minutes early on the date of the hearing.
The hearing will be conducted according to the policies found in the Lone Star College Board
Policy Manual Section VI.F. and Procedures adopted thereunder. A copy of these policies and
procedures are attached hereto.
We recommend that Respondent receive the following sanction for non-academic
_______ Expulsion; ______ Suspension for up to ______ weeks from _________________ college(s) or
_______ all colleges, including centers, workforce, and online courses; or
______ Other sanction: ________________________________________________________________________________
This decision represents our best judgment regarding the subject matter of the hearing.
____________________________________ ______________________________________ __________________
Discipline Committees should use this form to record their decisions according to Section
VI.F. of the Policy Manual and the procedures adopted thereunder. This decision must be
signed by at least three members of the Discipline Committee who attended the hearing for
this matter.
The Chief Conduct Officers decision (Form VI.F.2.) that preceded the hearing
should be attached to this form.
Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, we find that ___________________________________
(Respondent) ______ did or ______ didnot engage in the following non-academic misconduct:
Printed Name Signature Date
____________________________________ ______________________________________ __________________
Printed Name Signature Date
____________________________________ ______________________________________ __________________
Printed Name Signature Date
____________________________________ ______________________________________ __________________
Printed Name Signature Date
____________________________________ ______________________________________ __________________
Printed Name Signature Date
Student committee members are not required to sign this Form. They may document their agreement or
disagreement with the committee’s decision verbally to the other committee members.
Form VI.F.5.: Appeal
of Discipline Committee Decision
Either the College (through a Chief Conduct Officer) or the Respondent (personally or
through a representative) may appeal a Discipline Committee’s decision by submitting this
completed form to the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Student Success within five working
days after receiving the Discipline Committee’s decision. Late appeals will not be considered.
Attach the Discipline Committee decision (Form VI.F.4., with all accompanying
documentation) being appealed and use the space below to explain why this decision should
be modified or reversed. Attach additional sheets as necessary. Also, state what final
outcome you would like for this matter.
Requested Final Outcome
I understand that by appealing this matter, the Vice Chancellor of Student Success will have
complete discretion over this matter and may reach whatever decision and impose whatever
sanction, if any, that the Vice Chancellor of Student Success considers appropriate. I also
understand that the Vice Chancellor of Student Success’s decision is final.
____________________________________ ______________________________________ __________________
Printed Name Signature Date
For Office Use Only Date Received: ___________________________________________
Receiving Employee: _____________________________________ ____________________________________
Printed Name Signature
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Form VI.F.6.: Final Decision After Review
of Appealed Discipline Committee Decision
The Vice Chancellor of Student Success shall use this form to memorialize his or her final
decision regarding an appealed Discipline Committee decision.
Within five working days of receiving an appeal, this completed form must be sent to the
following: (1) the Respondent; (2) the Chief Conduct Officer; (3) the Chief Conduct Officer’s
college president; and (4) the Office of the General Counsel. A copy of all relevant forms
related to this appeal should be attached to this decision.
Final Decision
After reviewing this matter, the Discipline Committee’s decision is:
______ Affirmed; ______ Reversed; or
______ Modified as follows: ___________________________________________________________________
This decision represents my best judgment in this matter.
____________________________________ ______________________________________ __________________
Printed Name Signature Date
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Form VI.F.7.: Discipline Agreement
At any time, the College may choose to enter into an agreement to impose certain sanctions
in exchange for a student admitting that he or she engaged in non-academic misconduct. Any
such agreement must be in writing, signed by the Chief Conduct Officer and the student, and
should use this form or contain substantially similar information.
Student’s Admission
I unconditionally admit to having engaged in the following non-academic misconduct:
_______________________________ ____________________ _________________________________ __________________
Printed Name LSC ID No. Signature Date
Chief Conduct Officer’s Judgment
I impose the following sanction on the student for the admitted non-academic misconduct:
The imposed sanction represents my best judgment of what is an appropriate sanction,
considering all applicable facts and circumstances.
____________________________________________ ______________________________________ __________________
Printed Name Signature Date
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