Form Original - 2021
Partnership Pilot Prescreening
SCE will use a Pass/Fail scoring system. This
approach ensures a fair and equitable assessment of
applicants and includes the minimum provider
viability requirements needed while maintaining
technology neutrality and not inhibiting new
market entrants’ viability.
The prescreening includes four key areas:
Experience, Commercial/Financial, Technology and
The evaluation of these key areas is outlined as
This section focuses on two categories: Experience
and Cybersecurity.
A company must demonstrate that it has
implemented/completed at least one project for one
or more of DER resources identified in this
application; and/or at least one member that will be
on the development team has completed at least
one project for one or more of the DER resources
identified in this application. Experience in
multiple DER resource types is not required.
Project capacity should be described in the Letter
of Experience but will not be scored. Those that do
not have any experience, will receive a failing score
in the Experience category.
Another important aspect of assessing a company’s
experience is through their Cybersecurity
infrastructure (at a high level). SCE will obtain
each Applicant’s BitSight score via
www.bitsight.com/understand-your-rating. If an
Applicant is not currently being monitored by
BitSight and therefore does not have a score, this
criterion does not apply. This with be scored as a
Pass / Fail.
The Applicant will also need to acknowledge
awareness and agree to adopt SCE’s information
security, cybersecurity, and privacy obligations in
order to contract with SCE. This with be scored as
a Pass / Fail.
This category will look at bankruptcy and contract
terminations. More specifically, the Legal Entity
that will be the Applicant will attest that it and/or
its Parent is not Bankrupt and there are no
proceedings pending or being contemplated by
either entity or, to either entity’s knowledge,
threatened against the Applicant and/or its Parent
which would result in either entity being or
becoming Bankrupt. This will be scored as a Pass /
If the Applicant is not able to attest and provide a
“Yes” response to the bankruptcy criteria, the
Applicant has an opportunity to provide a
document explaining the circumstance around the
bankruptcy situation. SCE will review the
documentation on a case by case basis and will
make a decision based on available facts. SCE’s
review does not ensure that the Applicant will pass
this criterion.
Additionally, this category looks at whether the
Legal Entity that will be the Applicant and/or its
parent company has not terminated a contract
(either mutual termination or otherwise) with any
California electric utility, prior to commercial
operation date, with any portion of the financial
security retained by any California electric utility
more than once within the previous 36 months.
This will be scored as a Pass / Fail.
If the Applicant is not able to attest and provide a
“Yes” response to the contract termination criteria,
the Applicant may attach a document explaining
the circumstance around the contract
termination(s). SCE will review the documentation
on a case by case basis and will make a decision
based on available facts. SCE’s review does not
ensure that the Applicant will pass this criterion.
The proposed technical solution(s) documentation
will be reviewed to determine if the technology is a
proven, commercially available technology (not in
experimental, research, demonstration, or
development stages). It will also be reviewed to
determine whether the technical solution(s) adhere
to the incrementality framework as defined in
Ordering Paragraph 10 and Attachment A Section
2.8 of Decision 21-02-006.
Technologies that are considered proven,
commercially available technology (not in
experimental, research, demonstration, or
development stages) and will provide incremental
capacity per Ordering Paragraph 10 and
Attachment A Section 2.8 of Decision 21-02-006
will receive a passing score. Both measures must be
met in order to receive a passing score for this