Version 2.0
Revised 03.2015
2) Please indicate the compliance period in years for which the low income restriction is in effect.
Compliance Period Start Date:
Compliance Period End Date:
2A) Please indicate on which page of the documentation language exists that describes the
compliance period.
3) Please indicate on which page of the documentation language exists that describes the rent
4) Please indicate on which page of the documentation language exists that defines the low income
households as no more than 80% Area Median Income (AMI).
Section II - Process for B
If you have checked “B” Section I above to indicate that at least 20% of the total housing units are sold or rented to lower
income households for a period of 30 years or more, please follow the steps below.
1) Please indicate the page number in the documentation on which language exists that shows that
the rental housing units targeted for low income occupants are subject to a deed restriction or
affordability covenant with a public entity or non-profit provider organized under Section 501
(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code that has as its stated purpose in its articles of incorporation on
file with the office of the Secretary of State to provide affordable housing to lower income households
that ensures that the units will be available at an affordable rent for a period of at least 30 years.
Note: Per. D. 15-01-027, the documentation presented cannot be contingent upon participation in the
CSI Low-Income programs.
2) Specify which of the following public entities or non-profit housing providers the deed restriction or affordability covenant is
signed by (it should be signed both by the customer of record and the public entity or non-profit).
Place a check mark on the low-income public entities or non-profit housing provider(s) from the list below:
California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC)
California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (CDLAC)
California Department of Housing and Community Development/ The California Housing Finance Agency
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
A Redevelopment Agency (RDA) or RDA successor agency
A Housing Authority, or a City or County in the case of a project funded by HUD HOME Funds
2A) If the deed restriction or affordability covenant is not signed by both the customer of record and one of the public entities or
non-profit housing provider above, please indicate evidence that exists that the relevant affordability requirements of Public
Utilities Code (PUC) 2852 and Health and Safety Codes referenced in the PUC code have been met for all units presented by
the applicant as affordable under these code sections. Please submit related documentation to the PA.
2B) Explain how the low income documentation presented will be independently enforceable and verifiable.