Revised 8/20
Remember you can add this to your list of assessments on the transition plan. Also include copy in file.
Revised 2020
Student Name:
Date: Age: Grade:
1. What type of job/career are you interested in?
2. Have you ever had a job (even if it was at home, like a chore)?
3. Do you know the difference between a job and a career? Yes or No
If yes, please explain: A job is
A career is
4. What are your favorite classes you take in school?
5. What is it about the classes you listed in #4 that make them your favorite? What do you like about them?
6. Do you know of any post-secondary schools (Vocational, Jr. Colleges, 4 year colleges?) in your area? Yes or No
If so, which ones?
7. Are there any colleges or programs you are interested in visiting or learning more about? List below:
8. If you wish to attend college after high school, are you getting extra help in any classes
9. Name two strengths (things you think you are good at):
10. What are some things you find difficult to do?
Please turn over for additional questions…
Revised 8/20
Remember you can add this to your list of assessments on the transition plan. Also include copy in file.
11. List two interests/hobbies that you have.
12. Do you belong to any clubs or groups (could be school, church or in your community)? Which ones?
13. Which clubs or groups in school would you like to be involved in?
14. How will you get to your place of employment or education after you graduate high school? (car, bus, walk, etc.)
15. Do you have a driver’s ______ Permit?
______ License?
If no, do you know how to prepare for the test to get one of the above? Yes or No
16. Which interests you the most? (Circle one) Vocational School, College, Employment, Military?
17. Are you familiar with Arkansas Rehabilitation Services? Yes or No
18. Where do you see yourself 5 years after high school? (Where will you live, work? Play?)
(For Teacher Use Only):
19. Other important information about the student:
20. Assessments that could be considered for this student:
21. Agencies that might be appropriate to connect student with, now or in the future:
(Select one)