Amazon Fee Structure
Option 1 – Product shipped to customer’s address, all Amazon related issues are handled by the customer. No
additional handling fees. Normal order minimums and shipping rules (fees) are applied. Residential fees, COD
fees, Case Supply fees cannot be waived.
Option 2 – Required communication and boxing will be handled as part of a non-waivable handling fee of $15.00.
This option will be applied to customers that provide the Amazon destination at the time order entry.
Order Entry, Picking & Boxing
Provide Weights, Measure, Carton Count
Application of FBA labels and Shipping Labels
Shipment to multiple Amazon DC’s
Option 3 - Required communication and boxing will be handled as part of a non-waivable handling fee of $25.00.
This option will be applied to customers that provide the Amazon destination at the time order entry.
Order Entry, Picking & Boxing
Provide Weights, Measure, Carton Count, Box Level Package Detail
Application of FBA labels and Shipping Labels
Shipment to multiple Amazon DC’s
Shipping Fees –
Parcel - $4.00 per package regardless of order totals.
Case Quantity Supplies(All Supply Items) – $9.00 per case (No additional parcel fee)
LTL – Actual shipment costs split for orders more than $2000. Extended Area Shipping/Liftgate/Other
Accessorial requirements are subject to additional fee.
LTL- Orders less than $2000 are full freight
Southern Hobby determines best shipping method. Customer pays full freight if recommendation is not
Additional Fees
Providing on-hand inventory reports – $5.00 each. Educate customer then implement charge
Reboxing Fee/Split Order for multiple Amazon Destinations/Amazon Destination(s) determined after
order has been picked - $15.00
Re-Labeling Fee – (Cover UPC’s on outside of cases)
o Box Level - $2.00 per box
Return Handling Fee - $25.00 plus freight
Registration Fee - $25.00 – Collected at time application is placed. Covers the cost of setting up the
account, including multiple ship-to addresses, and first inventory report.
Business Name: Customer Name:
Customer Signature: Date:
click to sign
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