NAF Interest Survey
Thank you for your interest in implementing NAF’s educational design to create a NAF academy! NAF offers two
options for entry into NAF’s academy network. To learn more about starting an academy,
please contact Jennifer Geisler, Assistant Director, Emerging Academies.
Year of Planning Program
Year of Planning (YOP) Program is the developmental process for implementing a NAF academy that takes an
average of one school year. NAF academy portfolio managers provide guided technical assistance to align academy
resources and programs to ensure that all NAF’s educational design elements are in place before an academy opens
in the launch year. The YOP helps to establish a sustainable foundation that promotes academic success and builds the
capacity to fulfill its promises to academy students and the community.
Fast Track Program
The Fast Track Program allows a functioning academy that implements most of NAF’s standards of practice to enter
NAF’s network as an open academy with full membership. The Fast Track Assessment is a self-assessment that assists
existing academies in analyzing academy strengths and challenges in implementing the elements of NAF’s educational
The program includes an academy assessment, a review of evidence collection, and a verification meeting.
Interest Survey
The Interest Survey outlines NAF’s expectations for the implementation of NAF’s educational design to create a
career academy.
Please review the survey and select Yes or No.
If the answer is
for two or more of the
questions, consider building the school capacity to achieve the designated expectations before applying to start a
NAF academy.
Applicant: Name: ______________Title: _____________Email: __________________________ _____
1. Do the district and school administration support the concept of career academies? Are career academies
part of the district/school strategy for school improvement?
___ NO ___
2. Can the district/school commit resources to start a career academy? Note: Resources required to
upport an academy include financial, human capital, and physical space.
___ NO ___
3. Is the local community of business, civic, and government entities engaged in supporting and partnering with
he district/school?
___ NO ___
4. Does the district/school support an open, choice-based enrollment process (without restrictions) for
school/program selection?
___ NO ___
5. Does the district/school have the structure and interest to support academy programs of study that are
interdisciplinary to integrate the career theme in academic courses?
YES ___ NO ___
6. Does the district/school have the capacity and interest to support NAFTrack Certification. Note: A NAF
academy must offer a program of study that enables students the opportunity to achieve NAFTra
___ NO ___
the community, district, and school support work-based learning opportunities that allow high school
students to connect their classroom experiences to college and career opportunities?
___ NO ___
8. Is the district/school able to support one or more of the following innovative learning strategies such as
roject-based learning (PBL), interdisciplinary projects, and career-themed integration in core courses? Note:
PBL is critical to preparing future-ready students.
YES ___ NO ___
9. Is the district/school able to commit to an academy enrollment of 50 or more students per grade level once
the academy opens? For small schools (<1,000 students), the academy enrollment is 20 or more students pe
ade level.
10. Indicate the high school’s total student enrollment #: _____________.