Copyright © 2017 School-Connect® Preparing for College and the Workforce Module 4
Handout 4.9.3
Use the questions below to prepare for writing your resume. Then search online for resume
templates, select one you like, and ll it in. You can also create your own resume design, by
making a table and selecting fonts.
1) What kind of job are you applying for? (e.g., food server, retail, community service, start-up)
2) Objective:
a. Why are you applying for this job? What are your goals in getting this job?
b. How many hours do you hope to work per week/month?
3) Highlights:
a. What skills, character strengths, and interests do you have that would be helpful to your potential
b. What experiences (paid and volunteer) have you had that would help you be a valuable member of this
c. What are your career long-term goals? (if they are relevant to this job)
4) Education:
a. List all the schools and training programs you’ve attended with relevant dates included.
b. Have you received any educational honors or recognition? If so, please include.
c. What is your GPA? If it is higher than 3.0 consider including it in the education section.
5) Work Experience:
a. List all of the jobs and work experience you’ve had (both paid and unpaid). Include the dates you worked
at each position.
b. Write bullet points describing your job responsibilities. Use action verbs for each bullet such as “Led…,”
“Organized…,” “Created…,” etc..
6) Interests/Accomplishments:
a. List all your hobbies, interests, and accomplishments that tell the employer more about who you are,
what you are interested in, and what makes you interesting and unique.
Graphic: ©iStock.com/kraphix
Resume Worksheet