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Motivations of European Explorers
Directions: After reading pages 172-175 in your textbook, read the following statements. Circle T if you think a
statement is true and F if you think it is false. Next, review the textbook and write a brief quote to support your answer.
Be ready to defend your answer with other students in the class.
T F 1. One reason that Europeans began to explore far from their boundaries was to expand their trading
relationships with Middle Eastern and Italian merchants. ______________________________________________
T F 2. e monarchs of Europe were motivated to pay for voyages in their hopes of increasing their own wealth,
territories, and power. _________________________________________________________________________
T F 3. e idea of spreading Christianity was not an important part of the age of exploration. __________________
T F 4. After the New World was discovered, many new crops and raw materials were brought to Europe, but few,
if any, items were exchanged from Europe to the New World. ____________________________________
T F 5. e Europeans brought new diseases to the peoples of the New World, but they quickly developed
immunities. __________________________________________________________________________________
Chapter 8 Native Peoples and Explorers 39
Section 2 Europe and the Colonization of America
Reading Skills
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De Sotos Exploration of Georgia
Directions: Imagine you are one of de Sotos soldiers as you explore the area we now know as Georgia. In the space
provided next to the pictures, write a Facebook posting as if you were telling your friends back home what they are missing.
3. Given that the purpose of de Soto’s exploration was the discovery of gold and riches, would you describe his
expedition as a success or failure? Why? ______________________________________________________________
1. ______________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________
40 Chapter 8 Native Peoples and Explorers
Section 2 Europe and the Colonization of America Lesson Review
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The Europeans Arrive
Directions: Imagine that you are a Native American living in Georgia at the time of de Sotos exploration. You are out
hunting for deer and have just stumbled upon the scene in the picture below. Write a note describing the scene so your
friend can relay the message back to the village. (Remember, you’ve never seen a white man or any of the items they wear
or carry. Consider any possible threat or possibility of trading as you write.)
Chapter 8 Native Peoples and Explorers 41
Section 2 Europe and the Colonization of America
Skills Practice
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Vocabulary Scramble
Directions: Unscramble the words to complete the sentences. Be sure to capitalize the vocabulary words
where appropriate.
1. Man-made items such as pottery and tools that provide clues to early people are called
_________________________. (trifaatcs)
2. e study of artifacts is _________________________. (haoalorecgy)
3. A set of beliefs, traditions, and way of life for a group of people is its _________________________. (tulruec)
4. _________________________ (nadsmo) are groups of people who wander from place to place.
5. e earliest group of cultures in Georgia was the _________________________ (laoep) culture.
6. e Native American group credited with development of pottery was the _________________________
(chacrai) culture.
7. e most advanced group of early peoples with extended societies and large burial mounds was the
_________________________ (ppssssiiiiman) culture.
8. e _________________________ (dandolwo) culture was the early peoples credited with the development of
the bow and arrow.
9. e practice of planting and harvesting food-producing plants is called
_________________________. (tictlurohreu)
10. A _________________________ (liasdaep) is a series of sharpened poles used to provide security around a
42 Chapter 8 Native Peoples and Explorers
Section 2 Europe and the Colonization of America Vocabulary Review