Q-Admin-1 4-23-07
Job Name:
Job Number:
Model Numbers:
The heart of the Quantum Solution is Q-Admin,
Quantum’s powerful software that allows facility
managers to manage their electric and daylight for
maximum energy efficiency, comfort, and
productivity. From a central location, Q-Admin will
not only control the electric lights but also configure,
monitor, analyze, and report on the light for an entire
Setup and Configuration
Automatic discovery of all lighting control system
equipment including: EcoSystem bus supplies,
EcoSystem ballasts, EcoSystem modules,
EcoSystem sensors and wall controls, Sivoia QED
controllers, Sivoia QED window treatments, and
Sivoia QED wall controls.
Additional features include:
• Assign names to EcoSystem and Sivoia QED
• Create and modify groups of devices
• Create and modify presets of EcoSystem and Sivoia
• Define spaces and assign devices to the space
• Graphical creation tool for floorplan control
• Create users with specific access rights
• Create timeclock events
Monitoring and Control
Manage your facility’s light at your fingertips.
Q-Admin continually monitors all the EcoSystem and
Sivoia QED components connected to the Lighting
Hubs across an entire campus. Q-Admin monitoring
and control includes:
• Electric power demanded by lighting including the
power trending graph
• Current light levels and shade positioning
• Quantity of each type of component installed and
component status
• Daylight sensor status
• Occupant sensor status (e.g. spaces occupied)
• IntelliDemand Load Shed
• Lamp failure and end-of-life alert
Pictorial View
• Graphical navigation and control of lighting any floor
or space in your building
• Navigation between multiple floorplans
Q-Admin reports help facility managers improve
maintenance operations, identify issues before they
become problems, get a handle on energy
consumption, and support improvements in energy
consumption over time.
Available reports include:
• Calculated Power Consumption
• Average Light Level
• Q-Admin user activity log
• Timeclock Events
• Alarms generated and acknowledged