Land Surface Modification Permit Checklist - continued
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In addition to the submittal documents required above, if you are proposing to develop a commercial or multi-family
site, the following items are also required to be submitted with the Land Surface Modification Permit Application.
Development plan, drawn to scale, including:
Lot size and property dimensions
Proposed use/number of units
Density calculation
Required setbacks and existing easements
Dimensions of existing and proposed structures
Existing significant trees
Recreational open space location and dimensions (required for 4 or more units only)
Horizontal façade requirements
Pedestrian, bicycle, and transit facilities (See KZC Chapter 105)
Lot coverage calculations (based on full development buildout)
Sidewalks, drop-off areas, and accessible routes
If you are proposing to develop a commercial or multi-family site:
Site Plan (If the proposed project may impact significant trees or you propose to remove significant trees, an extra
copy of the site plan must be provided for paper submittal.)
Existing and proposed fire hydrant assemblies, with distance (by way of vehicular traffic) to subject parcel(s)
of property.
Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention (CSWPP) Plan (Required for projects creating 500 square feet or
more of new or replaced impervious surface.) Projects that trigger this requirement are required to submit a
Construction Storm Water Pollution Prevention (CSWPP) Plan Template.
Proposed limits of grading. In the case of plats and planned unit developments, the scope of grading is limited
to rights-of-way, utility easements or access easements. Erect a temporary 6-foot-high chain-link construction
fence along the limit of grading line. In addition, erect a siltation fence to control erosion along required
setbacks of streams, wetlands, and/or steep sloped areas. NOTE: NO GRADING BEYOND THIS LIMIT OF
Location of each significant tree. Clearly mark on the site plan all the trees and their drip lines, whether they
are to be retained or proposed to be removed, as identified in the Tree Retention Plan. Show tree fencing and
protection notes for trees to be retained. (See KZC 95.34.)
Street names, locations and dimensions of existing improvements and specific proposed improvements in
right-of-ways and easements serving the development.
All access easements, including their length, width, grade, pavement width, and any turnarounds that have
been required.
Landscape/utility strip with street trees planted 30 feet on center
Existing watercourses, streams, or wetland areas.
Road concurrency (if more than 9 dwelling units or 20 parking stalls are proposed)
Wetland or stream report (if applicable)
SEPA checklist (if more than 9 dwelling units or 20 parking stalls are proposed or if work is occurring on lands
covered by water)
Development layout shown on the Site Plan (Road network, building locations, etc.)
Traffic report