NACDD // Guide to Improving School Employee Wellness I 18
the needs and interests of sta. One finding from
the survey is that many employees (including
leadership) participate in the initiative for a sense
of camaraderie and the opportunity to connect
with colleagues. To address this, the district
structures many of its activities to allow sta
to develop relationships and to support each
other in reaching their goals. Frequent email
communications describe the value of wellness
and focus on small steps employees can take to
improve their health. Rainier has also engaged its
unions, several partners, and community members
in this initiative.
The initiative has been highly successful, with 89%
of sta participating in at least one activity during
the school year, 100% sta satisfaction with the
initiative, and 87% of participants reporting health
improvements. The district has seen increased
retention and a 17% improvement in sta
attendance, which translates to approximately
$9,000 in savings on substitute teachers annually.
Keeping teachers in the classroom also benefits
the students by maximizing the number of
instructional days. Sharing reports on these
outcomes with the school board and other
leaders helps maintain buy-in for the initiative.
Advice from Rainier School District: Build a team
of leaders and champions who personally model
healthy behaviors and truly believe in creating
opportunities for school employees to take
better care of themselves. When employees
see a commitment from leadership, they take
it seriously.
Real-world success: Rainier School District
Rainier, Oregon
Location: Rural Approximate # of sta: 120 Approximate # of students: 1,000 Buildings: 3 Student
demographics: More than 50% of students qualify for free or reduced-price meals. Annual employee
wellness budget: Approximately $100 per employee, drawn from Medicaid Administrative Claiming
funds, sta development budget, district in-kind, and a grant from OEA Choice Trust. Employee wellness
stang: The district’s Nutrition Services Director/Wellness Coordinator spends about 8-10 hours/month
and the Superintendent spends about 2-5 hours/month working on the initiative.
After seeing the benefits from its student wellness
programs, Rainier School District began working
to improve employee wellness in 2013 with help
from an OEA Choice Trust grant. The main goals
of the district’s employee wellness initiative are to
improve the overall wellness of sta, build healthy
habits, increase sta attendance, and serve as
a recruitment and retention tool. The initiative
emphasizes physical, social-emotional, and
financial wellness. Oerings include a wide range
of activities such as flu shots, financial literacy
classes, fitness classes, hiking groups, and monthly
challenges. The district has created a healthy
school environment, with nutritious lunches and
a salad bar available in the cafeteria. The district
also has developed a free fitness center and a
school-based health center that are open to sta
and community members. The district is located
in a food desert, and there are no other fitness
centers or physicians nearby, so these supports
are key to helping district employees stay healthy.
Rainier has used a variety of strategies to build
buy-in for their initiative. At the leadership level,
the district has integrated employee wellness into
its wellness policy as well as its strategic pillar on
health and safety. The superintendent cultivates
school board support on an ongoing basis and
is actively involved in wellness activities, which
encourages sta to participate. To build employee
buy-in, the district has recruited champions to
help generate excitement about the initiative.
Rainier also conducts an annual employee
wellness survey to ensure that programs meet