Guidance Notes for Completion of Application Form LDC1
Section 169 Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness
The purpose of making this application is to establish whether (a) a use which is already in existence or (b) an
extension or building that has already been constructed, or operational works that have already been carried
out, or (c) an activity in breach of a planning condition or limitation are lawful for planning purposes; in other
words, that it did not require – or no longer requires – planning permission. If you wish to apply for a
Certificate in respect of a
proposed use, or for building works or operations that have NOT yet been carried
out, you should complete the application form LDC2 for a Section 170 application– Certificate of Proposed
Use or Development.
Use or Development
Question 1a & 1b:
Complete details of the applicant, and
agent if applicable.
Question 2:
Give the full postal address of the site to which
this application relates. If this is not possible,
the distance and direction of the site from a
known address or landmark should be given
e.g. 200m south of No. 24 Any town Street. The
plan provided should accurately identify the
precise boundaries of the site in red including
any open curtilage, garden area etc.
Question 3:
Please ensure that you complete section (b) if
you are not the owner of the property.
Question 4:
You must declare whether the applicant or agent is
a member of the council’s staff, an elected member
of the Council or related to a member of staff or
elected member of the Council.
Serving elected members or planning officers who
submit their own planning applications should play
no part in their determination and such applications
should be determined by the planning committee
rather than by planning officers under delegated
For the purposes of this question related to means
related by birth or otherwise closely enough that a
fair-minded and informed observer, having
considered the facts, would conclude that there was
a real possibility of bias on the part of the decision-
maker in the council.
Question 5:
Please ensure that you have ticked at least one
Question 6:
If your application concerns more than one
existing use, operation or activity on the date of
the application describe each fully and show to
which part of the land each use, operation or
activity relates.
You must provide drawings
that clearly show these works.
If your application concerns an existing use or
activity, provide as much information as possible
about the existing use of the building/land. If a
building has more than one floor, specify the use(s)
of each floor. If the building is residential specify the
number of flats/units and provide floor plans
showing the location of the different units. Provide
drawings to illustrate how the buildings and/or land
are used – identify different uses of different parts
of the site e.g office, parking, warehousing etc.
Question 7:
Please refer to the Planning (Use Classes) Order
(Northern Ireland) 2015 available from Her
Majesty’s Stationary Office (HMSO).
Question 8:
Please identify which option relates closest to
your application and insert N/A for the remaining
options which do not apply. When indicating the
date the use began or the operation was
substantially completed, please be as accurate
as possible. You should provide evidence to
substantiate this.
Question 9:
You will only need to answer this if you have
indicated question 7 (2) is relevant. Please ensure
that you attach a copy of any relevant planning
permission documentation. If you do not have a
copy please provide the relevant Planning
Application reference number.
Question 10:
The onus of proof is on you as the applicant to
show with proper evidence that:
(1) If you are making an application in respect of
the use of land or building(s):
• The current use has been operating without
planning permission for a period of at least five
years prior to the date of the application;
• The current use started within the last five
years, following a change of use which was not
a material change of use, (e.g. the current use
is not significantly different from the previous
use in its nature and character), and the
previous use was a lawful use;