© Crown Copyright 2017
Application relating to the
registration of an enduring
power of attorney (EPA)
Court of Protection
Name of the donor of the EPA (this is the person who made the EPA)
For office use only
Date received
Case no.
Date issued
Please read first
You need to complete and file this application
form if you are the donor, an intended attorney
or a relative of the donor entitled by Schedule 4
of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (the Act) to be
notified of the application to register the EPA and:
– you wish to object to the registration of the
EPA; or
– you wish to seek the registration of the
EPA where you have been notified that the
registration has been suspended.
If you are entitled to be notified then either you
will have received an EP1PG notice of intention to
apply for registration, or the Public Guardian will
have notified you that the registration has been
You may have to pay a fee when you make an
application. Refer to the leaflet COP44 Court of
Protection – Fees for details.
Schedule 4 of the Act provides for the court to
dispense with the requirement to give notice.
If you are one of the people entitled by the Act to
be notified then you can object to the court using
this form even if you have not received an EP1PG
notice but you find out about the application
through other means.
If you wish to apply to object to the registration
of the EPA then you should do so as soon as
reasonably possible after receiving the EP1PG
notice. You should notify the Public Guardian
of your application. If you do not make an
application, the Public Guardian will ask for the
court’s directions on registration. See note 1 at the
end of this form for information on notifying the
Public Guardian.
You may need to pay for any costs you incur
during the proceedings. If the court considers that
you have acted unreasonably you can be ordered
to pay the costs incurred by other parties.
If you are not one of the people entitled by the
Act to be notified of the application to register the
EPA but you wish to object you can still do so
but you need to file a COP1 application form and
pay the specified fee. You should notify the Public
Guardian of your application. See note 1 in the
separate guidance for information on notifying the
Public Guardian.
Please continue on a separate sheet of paper if
you need more space to answer a question.
Write your name, the name and date of birth of
the donor, and the number of the question you
are answering on each separate sheet.
For assistance in completing the form please see
guidance notes and website:
Court of Protection staff cannot give legal advice.
If you need legal advice please contact a solicitor.
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Section 1 - Your details (the applicant)
1.4 Which address should official documentation be sent to?
Your address
Solicitor’s address
Other address (please provide details)
First name
Middle name(s)
Last name
Mr. Mrs. Miss Ms. Other
Telephone no.
E-mail address
Telephone no. Fax no.
DX no.
E-mail address
If Yes, please give the solicitor’s details.
1.3 Is a solicitor representing you?
Yes No
1.1 Your details
1.5 Your description
Donor (person making the EPA)
Other person entitled to be notified of the application to register the EPA
Section 2 - Details of the EPA
First name
Middle name(s)
Last name
Mr. Mrs. Miss Ms. Other
2.1 Full name of the donor (if you are not the donor)
2.2 Donor’s address and telephone number (if you are not the donor)
Telephone no.
E-mail address
2.3 Donor’s date of birth
2.5 Date donor signed the EPA
2.6 Date you were given notice of the application to register the EPA
2.4 Full name of intended attorney(s)
First name
Last name
First name
Last name
Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss Other
Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss Other
First name
Last name
Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss Other
Section 3 - Your application
3.1 Please state the directions you are seeking.
3.2 If you object to the registration of the EPA you can only do so on grounds which are prescribed in the
Mental Capacity Act 2005.
Please indicate your grounds for objecting to the proposed registration:
The power purported to be created by the instrument* is not valid as an
enduring power of attorney
The power created by the instrument no longer subsists
The application is premature because the donor is not yet becoming mentally
Fraud or undue pressure was used to induce the donor to make the power
The attorney is unsuitable to be the donor’s attorney (having regard to all
the circumstances and in particular the attorney’s relationship to or connection
with the donor).
3.4 If you seek registration please state your reasons for doing so.
I confirm I have
notified the Public
3.3 I have notified the Public Guardian of my intention to apply to the court in
relation to the registration of the EPA. (See note 1)
3.5 Any evidence in support of your application must be filed with this application
form. If you are attaching any written evidence please use the COP24 witness
statement form.
Evidence attached
4.1 If the court requires you to attend a hearing do you need any special
assistance or facilities? (See note 2)
If Yes, please say what your requirements are. If necessary, court staff may contact
you about your requirements
Section 4 - Attending court hearings
Yes No
Please tick to confirm
*The instrument means the EPA made by the donor.
Section 5 – Statement of truth
The statement of truth is to be signed by you, your solicitor or your litigation friend.
*(I believe) (The applicant believes) that the facts stated in this application form are true.
Position or
office held
*Applicant(’s solicitor)(’s litigation friend)
of firm
Now read note 3 about what you need to do next.
* Please delete the option in
brackets that do not apply.
Guidance notes
Note 1
Notifying the Public Guardian
If you have not already done so, you should notify the
Public Guardian of your objection within five weeks
of receiving the EP1PG notice. Upon notification
the Office of the Public Guardian will suspend the
registration until the court provides further directions.
If the Public Guardian is not notified there is a risk that
the EPA will be registered.
You should also notify the Public Guardian of your
application to the court.
You can notify the Public Guardian by writing to:
PO BOX 16185
Birmingham B2 2WH
Note 2
Attending court hearings
If you need special assistance or special facilities
for a disability or impairment, please set out your
requirements in full. It is important that you make the
court aware of your needs to avoid causing any delays.
The court staff will need to know, for example, whether
you want documents to be supplied in an alternative
format, such as Braille or large print.
They will also need to know about any specific
requirements should there be a hearing, such as
wheelchair access, a hearing loop or a sign
language interpreter.
Note 3
What you need to do next
The court requires two copies (i.e. the original plus
one copy) of the each form and document you file.
Please return the original completed form and
copies to the Court of Protection, along with any fee.
For details on where to send your application check
the website: www.gov.uk/court-of-protection
Note 4
What happens next?
The court will notify you when your application form
has been issued and the court will return a sealed
copy of the application form. You will need to serve a
copy on the donor and each attorney of the EPA.
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