180119004464(v02) Waimakariri District Council
V2 - 1/01/2018 2 of 2 Alternative Solution Engagement
PLEASE NOTE - By entering your name in the box below you are giving your authority for the application to proceed.
I am the
Note: If acting on behalf, by entering your name above you hereby declare that you are authorised to act as Agent for
the Owner.
NB: Ensure Agent Authorisation section is completed - see below.
PLEASE NOTE - By entering your name in the box below you are giving your authority for this application to proceed.
I authorise
to act as Agent on my behalf for this
Building Consent application under Sections 33 and 45 of the Building Act 2004.
With respect to this Building Consent application, I authorise
to act
as Agent on my behalf for the application for Code Compliance Certicate under Section 92 of the Building Act 2004.
Name (Owner):
I hereby engage Waimakariri District Council (“WDC”) to review and assess the alternative solution for compliance to the Building
Code in respect of the work detailed above. The applicant agrees to pay all fees, levies and associated costs incurred by the
WDC and its agents and subcontractors in processing this application. The applicant will pay WDC, its agent or subcontractor
immediately upon receipt of an invoice setting out the fees, levies and costs payable for the work carried out. The applicant agrees
to pay, in addition to the amounts referred to above, all collection costs incurred by the WDC and its agents and subcontractors
arising from the non payment of any invoice. Please complete the authorisation section below.
I wish to receive my approved documentation in the following format:
PLEASE NOTE - If USB or Hard Copy please conrm if you wish to pick it up from the council or have it posted/couriered (couriered will incur an
additional cost).
Electronically via Sharele Transfer Portal
(post) OR (pick-up) OR (courier)
Hard copy:
(post) OR (pick-up) OR (courier)
All the relevant information on this form is required to be provided under the Building Act and Resource Management Act for the Building Unit
to process your application. Under these Acts this information has to be made available to members of the public. The information contained in
this application may be made available to other units of the Council. You have the right to access the personal information held about you by the
Council that can be readily retrieved. You can also request that the Council correct any personal information it holds about you.