150319043302[v01] Waimakariri District Council
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Project Address:
If you have not used this template previously or need to reacquaint yourself on how to use this template please refer to the notes
section on the last two pages for guidance notes.
All proposed features (including upgrade actions) must be shown on the plans and specications.
Project No:
Private Bag 1005, Rangiora 7440
Phone 0800 965 468 (0800 WMK GOV)
Fax 03 313 4432 - waimakariri.govt.nz
The building work will comply with the building code as follows:
(If you are not sure what clauses are applicable, consult with your builder, designer or architect).
Required Feature Reference where
found on drawings /
specication, e.g.
sheet 3, detail 2.
Current Situation Upgrade action
proposed under
Sections 112 or 115
of the Building Act.
1. CAR PARKS (NZBC D1.3.5 & D1/AS1/10 (AS 2890.1), NZS 4121 SECTION 5 & F3)
NOT APPLICABLE (specify reason why):
Provided at the ratio of 1 for up to 20, 2 for up to 50,
plus 1 more for every additional 50 parks (or part
thereof)(NZS 4121).
Identied by the symbol of access (on ground or post).
Location of accessible car park is either visible from a
vehicle at the entrance to the car park area, or is sign
posted from the entrance to the parking area.
Min. 3500mm width (NZS 4121). Min. 3200mm width
(AS2890.1 Fig. 2.2).
Located on an accessible route, as close as possible
to the building accessible entry with direct access to
an accessible route without having to pass behind
parked cars.
Located on a surface with a max. 1:50 slope.
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Required Feature Reference where
found on drawings /
specication, e.g.
sheet 3, detail 2.
(all buildings)
Current Situation
(existing buildings only)
Upgrade action
proposed under
Sections 112 or 115
of the Building Act.
(existing buildings only)
2. RAMPS & FOOTPATHS (NZBC D1, D1/AS1/2.3, 3.0 & 6.0, NZS 4121 SECTION 6)
NOT APPLICABLE (specify reason why):
Where the footpath surface is more than 25mm above
adjacent ground, either a 75mm high kerb or a low
barrier rail is required.
Accessible routes have a cross fall of no more than 1:50.
Footpaths and ramps have a min. 1200mm clear width
(1000mm between handrails).
Footpaths and ramps have non slip surface (refer D1/
AS1 Table 2).
Ramps have a max. gradient of 1:12 and max. rise
between landings is 750mm.
Ramps have landings top and bottom, extending
1200mm beyond any doorway or door swing. Landings
may have a maximum gradient, in the direction of travel,
of 1:50; allow 1200mm space clear of door swings.
All ramps have an upstand or a low rail to prevent
wheel-chair wheel from running off edge.
Ramps steeper than 1:20 have handrails both sides,
continuing for 300mm beyond head and foot of ramp,
(with sensory buttom 150mm from end).
Height of handrails is between 840mm and 1000mm
vertically above “plane” surface of ramp.
Handrail diameter is between 32mm and 50mm (or to
Fig. 26(b) D1/AS1).
Handrails have clearance between 45mm and 60mm
from wall.
NOT APPLICABLE (specify reason why):
Footpath portion of kerb ramp has gradient no steeper
than 1:8, and no longer than 1500mm.
Road/gutter segment of kerb ramp has gradient no
steeper than 1:20.
Kerb ramp has no lip at common surface (gutter channel).
Kerb ramp has contrasting colour and texture to
adjacent footpath, gutter or road.
Step ramps replace isolated steps, and are no steeper
than 1:8, max. 190mm high, and max. 1520mm long,
with min. 1200mm long landing. (NZS 4121 Fig. 16).
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Required Feature Reference where
found on drawings /
specication, e.g.
sheet 3, detail 2.
Current Situation Upgrade action
proposed under
Sections 112 or 115
of the Building Act.
DOORS (NZBC D1.3.4(f), D1 AS1/7.0, FIG.27, NZS 4121 SECTION 7)
NOT APPLICABLE (specify reason why):
The main entrance is on the accessible route.
If the main entrance is not accessible an accessible
entrance is sign posted.
Preferably there are no thresholds in doorways. If they
cannot be avoided, they are max. 20mm high, or 56mm
high if a step ramp is provided.
There are accessible routes extending from the
accessible entry to all spaces that are required to be
accessible, 1200mm min. width.
Doorways have 760mm min. clear opening.
Double doors have at least one leaf which provides
760mm min. clear opening.
Doors are colour-contrasted with their surroundings.
Doors with dual swing have visibility glazing panels.
Doors with full height glazing have manifestation
markings 700 -1000mm above oor.
Clear space between successive doors is 1200mm
min. (Fig. 27 D1/AS1).
here doors open towards wheelchair, an unobstructed
wall space not less than 300mm wide is required at
side of door adjacent to door handle.
Forces required to open doors are within limits.
NOT APPLICABLE (specify reason why):
Where public counters or desks are provided in
reception areas, bars, shops and supermarkets, at least
one is accessible, for both the public and for the staff
using it.
Accessible portion of counter for writing has top of
work surface 775mm max. above oor, with 675mm
min. height clearance under for a depth of 540mm.
Public telephones comply with NZS 4121 Section 11.2.
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7. STAIRS (NZBC D1.3.4(g)(h)(i), D1/AS1/4.0, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5. NZS 4121 SECTION 8)
NOT APPLICABLE (specify reason why):
All multi-storeyed buildings that are required to be
accessible have at least one accessible stair.
Stair treads 310mm min.; Risers 180mm max. (of
uniform height over each ight).
Stair has 900mm min. width between handrails.
Required Feature Reference where
found on drawings /
specication, e.g.
sheet 3, detail 2.
Current Situation Upgrade action
proposed under
Sections 112 or 115
of the Building Act.
6. LIFTS (NZBC D1.3.4 (c), D2.3.5, D2/AS1/71, NZS 4121 SECTION 9)
NOT APPLICABLE (specify reason why):
Lifts are required as follows:
• In all buildings with four or more oors.
• In a three oor building when the total gross
oor area of the two upper oors is 500m² or more
and the design occupancy exceeds 50 persons.
• In a two oor building when the gross oor area of
upper oor is 400m² or more and the design occupancy
exceeds 40 persons.
• Notwithstanding any of the above, a lift is required
if an upper oor is used for: a place of assembly for
250 or more persons, public reception area for
a bank, central and local government offices and
facilities (including libraries), medical and dental
rooms, health care centres.
• Notwithstanding any of the above, lifts are not
required in two or three storey hotels and motels
provided that the accessible accommodation units,
reception office, restaurant, bars and other communal
facilities are on the ground oor (NZS 4121
clause 14.4.1).
At least one lift is on the accessible route.
Lobbies have 1800mm min. unobstructed depth in
front of lift doors.
Car oor has 1400mm x 1400mm min. internal
Doors have 900mm min. clear opening.
Doors are readily distinguishable from their
Doors remain open for at least 5 seconds before starting
to close.
Car has handrails continuous on 3 sides on walls to
NZBC D1/6.0 or NZS 4121 Fig. 26.
All controls are located between 900mm and 1350mm
above the oor.
All controls have tactile features.
Lift indicators are provided as NZS 4121:2001
clause 9.2.5.
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9. TOILET FACILITIES (NZBC D1.3.2 (c) & G1.1 & 1.3.4 G1/AS1, NZS 4121 SECTION 10)
NOT APPLICABLE (specify reason why):
Accessible toilets are on the accessible route.
Minimum dimensions of space are 1900mm x 1600mm,
and the layout of ttings is correct.
In certain large buildings, accessible toilets are
evenly distributed.
If doors are hinged, they swing outwards unless the
space is sufficiently large (sliding doors are also acceptable).
Door has 760mm min. clear opening (with 1200mm
clear space in any lobby between door swing arcs).
If hinged, the door has a grab rail on inner face.
Indicator bolt is of sufficient size so as to be usable by
person with limited hand movement.
Horizontal leg of grab rail beside WC pan is xed
700mm above oor.
Vertical leg of grab rail is xed between 150mm and
250mm from front of WC pan.
Required Feature Reference where
found on drawings /
specication, e.g.
sheet 3, detail 2.
Current Situation Upgrade action
proposed under
Sections 112 or 115
of the Building Act.
Landings have 900mm min. depth (1200mm
Max. total rise of 2500mm between landings.
No open risers, no winders, no spiral stairs.
Nosings are rounded, and colour contrasted with rest
of tread.
Colour-contrasted change of oor surface texture are
provided at head and foot of stair. (NZS 4121 Fig. 22).
8. STAIR HANDRAILS (NZBC D1.3.4(i), D1/AS1/6.0, NZS 4121 SECTION 8.6)
NOT APPLICABLE (specify reason why):
Are provided on both sides of the stair.
Have no obstruction to the passage of the hand along
the rail.
Are continuous around landings (except at doorways).
Extend 610mm min beyond the foot of the stair and
300mm min beyond the head of the stair.
At the same slope as the pitch line.
Between 900mm and 1000mm above pitch line.
Proles are to D1/AS1 Fig. 26(b).
Have no projecting ends, and have domed buttons
150mm from the ends (NZS 4121 Fig. 23) (Not required
under D1/AS1).
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Required Feature Reference where
found on drawings /
specication, e.g.
sheet 3, detail 2.
Current Situation Upgrade action
proposed under
Sections 112 or 115
of the Building Act.
Top of WC pan seat is 460mm above oor.
Front edge of WC pan is 700mm - 750mm from wall
behind it.
Toilet paper holder is located in the correct zone.
Washbasin has 675mm min. underside clearance
from oor, and is located 300mm min. from the front
of the WC pan.
Taps on washbasin have capstan or lever handles (hot
tap to left of cold tap).
Any nappy-changing tables do not intrude into the
wheelchair manoeuvring space.
10. SHOWERS (NZBC G1.3.4, G1/AS1/TABLE 9, NZS 4121 SECTION 10)
NOT APPLICABLE (specify reason why):
If the building requires showers, at least one is
accessible. If the building use does not require
showers, but has two or more showers, at least one is
accessible (BIA News No.131).
Minimum internal dimensions of combined toilet/shower
space are 2100mm x 1900mm.
Accessible shower is on an accessible route.
If doors are hinged, they swing outwards unless the
space is sufficiently large (sliding doors are also
Shower door has 760mm min. clear opening.
Shower has self draining oor with no lip or upstand.
Floor covering is of impervious, non-slip material.
Grab rail is of correct shape, size and position.
Mixing valve is lever-operated, and is xed 1100mm
above oor.
Hand-held shower rose on exible hose.
Shower head can be xed to slide rail between
1000mm and 1900 mm above oor. Slider rail is to be
as strong as a grab rail.
Shower seat is 800mm min. length x 450mm, in
correct position.
Clothes-hanging device is located between 1200mm
and 1350mm above the oor.
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13. ALERTING DEVICES (F7/AS1/2.1, NZS 4121 CLAUSES 4.12 & 4.13)
NOT APPLICABLE (specify reason why):
Alerting devices (where required) have both audible
and visual signal (see ACCESSIBLE
ACCOMMODATION’ section 16).
14. PLACES OF ASSEMBLY, ENTERTAINMENT & RECREATION (D1/AS1/8.0, G5.3.5, NZS 4121 Sections 12, H)
NOT APPLICABLE (specify reason why):
Where a sound amplication system is installed, it
has a listening system for people with hearing aids.
Two wheelchair spaces are provided for up to 250
seats, plus one for every additional 250.
Wheelchair spaces are located amongst other seating,
and evenly distributed where possible.
An accessible route is provided to podium or stage
area, including to all back-stage areas (portable ramps
are not permitted).
Swimming pools have unaided access into the water
(preferably by a ramp at max. 1:12 slope).
Sports tracks and elds are accessible.
12. VISIBILITY FACTORS (NZBC F2, G7 AND G8, NZS 4121 215, D1/AS1/1.5.4 & 1.8)
NOT APPLICABLE (specify reason why):
All signs, information boards and all elements of
accessible routes are well illuminated.
Check D1/AS1 1.5 “Obstructions”.
Required Feature Reference where
found on drawings /
specication, e.g.
sheet 3, detail 2.
Current Situation Upgrade action
proposed under
Sections 112 or 115
of the Building Act.
11. DOOR & WINDOW CONTROLS AND LIGHT SWITCHES (NZBC D1.3.4(f), G9/AS1, NZS 4121 Sections 4,7, C5)
NOT APPLICABLE (specify reason why):
Doors can be opened with one hand.
Door handles are xed between 900mm and 1200mm
(1000mm optimum) above oor.
Door handles are lever action, with end returned
towards door (knob handles are not permitted).
Door closers have minimum tension required to bring
door to closed position.
Electronic access units are located as NZS 4121
clause 4.11.5.
Window locking and opening controls are located
between 900mm and 1200mm above the oor.
Light switches throughout building are horizontally
aligned with door handles.
Socket outlets are located 500 -1200mm above the oor.
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Required Feature Reference where
found on drawings /
specication, e.g.
sheet 3, detail 2.
Current Situation Upgrade action
proposed under
Sections 112 or 115
of the Building Act.
15. SIGNS (BUILDING ACT CL. 47A(5), NZBC G5.3.5, 5.3.6 & F8.3.4, F8/AS1/5.0, NZS SECTIONS 3.6 & 4.8)
NOT APPLICABLE (specify reason why):
Signs are positioned on walls, doors, etc, between
1400mm and 1700mm above the oor.
International symbol of access is displayed outside the
building or so as to be visible from outside it.
Access symbol on main information board(s) identies
location of lift, accessible routes, toilets, rooms with
listening aids, etc.
Accessible toilets / showers are identied with an
access symbol on entrance door.
All symbols have correct proportional layout, lettering
and colour contrast with background.
Identify facilities:
• accessible car park spaces
• accessible entrance
• services available in building
• accessible routes, lifts and / or stairs
• toilet / shower facilities
• rooms with listening aids
NOT APPLICABLE (specify reason why):
In hotels, motels, hostels, halls of residence, holiday
cabins, groups of pensioner ats, boarding houses,
guest houses, old peoples homes, and other buildings
providing accommodation for the public, accessi-
ble units (including kitchen, bedroom, shower/toilet
arrangement, laundry and all other accessible fea-
tures and route requirements) are provided as follows:
Total guest units 1-10 11-25
Accessible units required 1 2
For every additional 25 guest units, 1 accessible unit
is required.
An accessible car park is available at the main
accessible entrance to assist those booking in/out.
Reception counters are accessible (see ‘PUBLIC
FACILITIES’ on page 3).
In hotel or motel complexes, an accessible telephone
and toilet is available in public areas for guests, casual
patrons and staff.
Bedrooms, sitting and dining areas, kitchens and
laundries have 1500mm dia. wheelchair turning circle.
If the unit has kitchen and/or laundry facilities, these
are fully accessible (refer to NZS 4121 Section 14 for
detailed requirements).
If a building has common laundry facilities, at least
one of these is accessible (BIA News No.67 Pg. 2, 3).
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17. OTHER FACILITIES USED BY PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES (in order for persons with disabilities to
carry out ‘…normal activities and processes in that building’ as Building Act 2004 section 118(1)(b))
NOT APPLICABLE (specify reason why):
Fitting rooms in clothes shops (or the like) having
1500mm dia turning circle, clothes hooks at 1350mm
max. above oor (or two adjoining rooms of a similar
overall size, with a drawable curtain between).
Report prepared by:
Contact Details:
Phone: [Day]:
Has a site visit been carried out?
Yes No
Date of Visit:
Has the building previously been upgraded?
Yes - provide details, e.g. project number(s):
I declare that this report is a true and accurate reection of the accessible features currently in the building.
Signature of:
Owner / Agent [on behalf of and with the consent of the owner]
[Print name]
The following pages are guidance notes and do not need to be submitted to Council with your application.
Required Feature Reference where
found on drawings /
specication, e.g.
sheet 3, detail 2.
Current Situation Upgrade action
proposed under
Sections 112 or 115
of the Building Act.
Socket outlets are xed between 500mm and 1200mm
above the oor, at least 500mm from internal corners
of rooms, and within a 500mm horizontal dimension
from the front edge of any bench or xed unit.
Telephone, television and radio controls, wardrobe
rails, curtain pull cords, are easily reachable.
At least one room light has a bedside switch.
Where an ablution block contains communal toilet/
shower facilities, there is also one or more all-gender
accessible toilet/shower(s) provided.
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This template can may both used electronically or manually in hard copy for the purpose for either;
Reporting on the extent of proposed upgrading of access and facilities for people with disabilities in existing
buildings, in order to comply with sections 112 or 115 of the Building Act 2004, or
New buildings for demonstrating and assessing compliance with the NZ Building Approved Documents.
Although it is not compulsory to use this template when submitting an application is expected that your own report is
of a similar format covering all the features required by the building code.
The provisions are from the Acceptable Solutions and NZS 4121:2001. Reference should be made to these publications
for full details, as only a summary of the main items is given. Refer also to the Building Act, Section 118 and Schedule
2 and the Classied Uses (as described in the Building Regulations First Schedule, Clause A1) to determine which
buildings require accessible facilities.
Some features are covered by two Acceptable Solutions (e.g. NZBC D1/AS1 and NZS 4121:2001). In such cases,
either may be used as a means of compliance, and both are currently acceptable. However, as each of these
Acceptable Solutions have been published (and possibly amended) at separate times, the latest version will usually
more accurately reect current thinking and practice.
The template is subject to ongoing review, and may not cover every requirement. They are offered on a “no
liability” basis.
Please complete all sections (1-17) of the template for buildings;
The template may be used for new buildings as a reference document and can be included with the consent application
for clarity.
The additional information page can be used to provide further detailed explanation of compliance and / or details of
the proposed works to comply.
1. CAR PARKS (NZBC D1.3.5 & D1/AS1/10 (AS 2890.1), NZS 4121 SECTIONS 5 & F3)
NOT APPLICABLE (specify reason why): No parking provided, therefore no accessible car parks required
Required Feature Reference where
found on drawings /
specication, e.g.
sheet 3, detail 2.
Current Situation Upgrade action
proposed under
Sections 112 or 115
of the Building Act.
Handrails are provide on both sides of the stair. Detail 2, Sheet 3 and
Page 24 specications
On one side only Install handrail on
other side
Nosings are rounded and colour-contrasted with rest
of tread.
Sheet 3 They are None required
Stair treads 310mm min; Risers 180mm max. (of
uniform height over each ight).
Detail 2, Sheet 12 Tread depth
Riser 175mm
None proposed, as
not considered rea-
sonably practicable
to increase existing
concrete stair tread
depth by 5mm.
The following is an example of a suitable method of reporting the results of your review along with the proposed
upgrading work (existing buildings). Where the Building Code or the building physical location or conguration does
not require a particular feature in the building, the section may be crossed as not applicable provided a reason is
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Multi-tenanted and/or multi-storied buildings: In the case of multi-tenanted or multi-storied buildings when only
one tenancy or oor of a building is being altered, the upgrading can be limited to that tenancy or oor plus
all common areas. The common areas include the lifts, the accessible stair, the accessible toilet/shower, the
accessible entrance(s) to the building, the accessible car parking space(s), etc.
Reasonably Practicable: Your proposal is required to fully comply with the building code. Where upgrading to fully
comply with the building code is not proposed you are required to supply supporting documentation making the
case as to why it is not reasonably practicable to do so. For Further guidance on ‘Nearly as Reasonably Practicable
can be obtained from the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE) website (http://www.dbh.govt.
nz/codewords-19-article-6). Refer also to sections 112 and 115 of the Building Act 2004. Please note that previous
alteration work will have been assessed in the same manner, and the building may not fully comply even if
it has been upgraded. In certain situations, it may be acceptable if a written undertaking is provided (from the
building owner) that specic portions of any required upgrading will be carried out at certain dates in the near
future, in which case such work would require a separate building consent. We need to be satised that any such
undertaking is realistic and can be relied upon with reasonable certainty.
Photographs: We strongly recommended that photographs are supplied with your report as conrmation of each
features current situation. This is particularly helpful when the building is a historic building and in determining what may
be considered as reasonably practicable to upgrade. It may also mean that our Officers may not have to visit the
site should clarication be required.
Further guidance information on Accessible Car Parking Spaces, the International Symbol of Access, and Accessible
Reception and Service Counters can be obtained from the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE)
website (http://www.dbh.govt.nz/).