Waimakariri District Council
8 of 8 Application for Certicate of Acceptance
All the relevant information on this form is required to be provided under the Building Act 2004 and/or Resource Management Act 1991
for the Waimakariri District Council to assess your application. Under these Acts this information has to be made available to members
of the public if requested. The information contained in this application may be made available to other units of the Council.
You have
the right to access the personal information held about you by the Council which can be readily retrieved. You can also request that the
Council correct any personal information it holds about you.
Under certain circumstances a Territorial Authority may, on application, issue a Certicate of Acceptance for work already done.
This does not apply to building work carried out prior to 1 July 1992.
A Territorial Authority may issue a Certicate of Acceptance only if it is satised, to the best of its knowledge and belief and on
reasonable grounds, that, insofar as it could ascertain, the building work complies with the Building Code.
The above does not relieve a person from the requirement to obtain a Building Consent for building work (excluding building work
described under Schedule 1 of the Building Act 2004).
A Certificate of Acceptance will be issued within 20 working days from application, provided all the information required
has been supplied. The Certificate of Acceptance will be based on the supplied documents. All work listed in the
Certificate of Acceptance documentation must have been carried out to the satisfaction of the Building Consent Authority.
This will be determined through inspections.
Where applicable a Compliance Check is undertaken to ensure your building work complies with the District Plan.
A Certicate of Acceptance carries a non-refundable deposit of $515. To see Council’s full Schedule of Fees & Charges visit
waimakariri.govt.nz. All work for the issue of a Certicate of Acceptance over and above this value will be charged and invoiced
additionally in the same way as for a Building Consent application, ie levies, inspections, administration etc as described in
Section 97 of the Building Act 2004.
Under the Building Act 2004 s53, s55 s402 Council are authorised to collect levies for the MBIE (Building Levy Order 2005) and BRANZ
(Building Research Levy Act 1969). Levies are only payable on building works where the construction value exceeds a prescribed amount.
Building Act 2004 – http://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2004/0072/latest/whole.html
Building Levy Order 2005 – http://www.legislation.govt.nz/regulation/public/2005/0033/latest/whole.html#DLM313989
Building Research Levy Act 1969 - http://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1969/0023/latest/whole.html
During the processing, inspections might be necessary to assess the work that has been undertaken.
All inspections are subject to to a separate charge.
Your application will be assessed by the Planning Unit of the Council to determine whether your project complies with the relevant
District Plan requirements.
If it is determined that the completed building work is in breach of the District Plan you may need to apply for a Resource Consent.
This will be a separate process additional to this application for Certicate of Acceptance.
It is recommended that you phone the
Planning Unit on 0800 965 468 to discuss the process.
The owner may authorise an agent to submit an application on their behalf.
The Agent will be the rst point of contact for all communications with the Council/Building Consent Authority regarding this
application under Sections 97 and 99 of the Building Act 2004. They will receive all correspondence and must be authorised by
the Owner - see page 7.
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