Waimakariri District Council
6 of 6 Application for Certicate for Public Use
All the relevant information on this form is required to be provided under the Building Act 2004 and/or Resource Management Act 1991
for the Waimakariri District Council to assess your application. Under these Acts this information has to be made available to members
of the public if requested. The information contained in this application may be made available to other units of the Council. You have
the right to access the personal information held about you by the Council which can be readily retrieved. You can also request that the
Council correct any personal information it holds about you.
When is a Certicate of Public Use Required?
In premises intended for public use affected by building work, Section 363 of the Building Act 2004 applies in the following situation:
A Building Consent has been issued to undertake the building work, but a Code Compliance Certicate has not yet been issued; or
Under Section 363 of the Building Act 2004 it is an offence to permit people to use parts of premises intended for public use that
are affected by building work, unless the Territorial Authority conrms it is satised it is safe for members of the public to do so, this
will take into account any safety precautions that have been put in place. Once all building work is complete, a Code Compliance
Certicate must be obtained.
Failure to Obtain Certicate for Public Use
Under Section 363(4) of the Building Act 2004 a person who commits an offence is liable to a ne not exceeding $200,000
and in the case of a continuing offence, to a further ne not exceeding $20,000 for every day or part of a day during which the
offence continues.
The owner may authorise an agent to submit an application on their behalf.
The Agent will be the rst point of contact for all communications with the Council/Building Consent Authority regarding this
application under Section 363A of the Building Act 2004. They will receive all correspondence and must be authorised by the
Owner - see page 5.
The application fee for a Certicate for Public Use (CPU) includes one inspection. Additional processing and inspections required for the
issue of a CPU will be charged at an hourly rate - refer to the Schedule of Fees & Charges on Council’s website, waimakariri.govt.nz
V4 - 22/03/2019