For the Urban Education Committee
Purpose of Committee:
To identify and study issues relating to urban education. To emphasize the need to improve
educational opportunity for children in urban school districts. To identify and articulate the unique concerns of
administrators in urban school districts. To recommend solutions and/or courses of action to deal with problems and
needs of urban schools. To identify and study issues and make recommendations on practices, policies, and positions
to ACSA’s leadership and staff and to state agencies/legislators related to Urban Education.
Responsibilities of committee members:
Provide information regarding important issues, concerns and needs from your district at the UEC meetings.
Disseminate information from UEC meetings to district and region.
Attend ACSA Annual Conference
Participate in surveys generated by the UEC regarding urban education issues and concerns.
Ability to: Experience:
Dedicate time to UEC in addition to regular Service in leadership position in district self-identified
work responsibilities. as urban with size/enrollment of at least 20,000
Attend at least three state committee meetings. students.
ate discussions at state meetings regarding
Issues which have statewide impact.
Committee Member Recommended:
Name Social Security #
Title District School
(Street) (City) (State) (Zip)
Telephone Fax E-mail
Superintendent of District
Superintendent's Address
Nominee's previous ACSA State, Regional or Charter activities:
Please be sure to check the appropriate box for affirmative action: Male Female
African/American Asian Caucasian
Eskimo American Indian Filipino Latino Pacific Islander
Special Instructions:
ACSA membership is required of the nominee. You are welcome to contact the ACSA Membership Department at (650) 692-4300 if you
are unsure.
Members may serve on only one ACSA State Committee at a time.
DATE: ____________________
Return completed forms to:
Attn: Lori Allred
1029 J Stree
t, Suite 500
Sacramento, CA 95814
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