For the Member Services Committee
Purpose of Committee: To recruit, retain and recognize members. To identify trends and issues with membership categories
that may require changes or adjustments. To support and help grow ACSA’s Partner4Purpose program in order to further meet
the needs of members. To monitor and ensure that region and charter bylaws align with state ACSA bylaws and that region and
charters are in compliance with these regulations.
Responsibilities of Committee Members:
Represent the ACSA members throughout regions by sharing
salient points, gathering information to share at
meetings and maintaining an accurate list of members and non-
members to the greatest degree possible.
Attend at least (3) committee meetings
Ability to: Experience:
Have the authority to represent the membership in their respective
regions, bringing issues before the committee and returning to the
to share salient points and/or gather additional needed input
for the committee to discuss
Members must ha
ve the ability to gather member data and facilitate
the dissemination of committee information
Members should have an understanding of the services available to
ACSA members. Although not required, the members should have
been a
member of State ACSA for at least one full year prior to
service on the committee.
It would be helpful for members to have had experience with the
of the ACSA services and who have an interest in using
creative problem-solving strategies which will assist in the
development of services to members and maintain and recruit
ACSA membership
ttee Member Being Replaced: Term:
Committee Member Recommended:
Name Social Security #
Title District School
(Street) (City) (State) (Zip)
Telephone Fax E-mail
Superintendent of District
Superintendent's Address
Nominee's previous ACSA State, Regional or Charter activities:
*Please be sure to check the appropriate box for affirmative action: Male Female
African/American Asian Caucasian
Eskimo – American Indian Filipino Latino Pacific Islander
Special Instructions:
Before you return this form, check to be sure the person recommended is an ACSA member. You are welcome
to contact the ACSA Membership Department at (650) 692-4300 if you are unsure.
Be sure that you do not recommend any member who has already served a full three year term.
Members may serve on only one ACSA State Committee at a time.
Return completed forms to: Lori Allred, Executive Assistant
ACSA, 1029 J Street, Suite 500, Sacramento, CA 95814