For the Educational Options Council
Purpose of Council: To be the leader at the state level in promoting best practices in teaching
and learning while promoting, supporting, and influencing accountability, programming, and credentialing,
in addition to financial and legislative issues facing educational options programs in the state.
Responsibilities of Council Members
• Provide leadership at the region level for the Region level committee
• Contribute articles to the region newsletter
• Disseminate information from Council meetings to Educational
Options leaders at the region level
• Attend three state council meetings
• Represent the region committee by bringing forward grass roots
issues of state-wide impact
for discussion at the state council
• Serve as a representative of the Continuation and
Educational Options Council on other relat
Committees/Councils with other organizations
• Serve as a presenter at the region or state Conferences
• Provide support for political action as needed
• Attend ACSA Annual Conference
Ability to: Experience:
• Dedicate time to the CEO Council in addition to regular work
responsibilities. Average total time per year = six days + Annual
• Preferred: participation on the region committee and/or
leadership experience dealing with issues in the area of
alternative ed/educational options
• Leadership experience at the charter level or region level and
a desire to develop as a leader in the area of alternative
ed/educational options may be considered
Council Member Being Replaced: Term:
One Box must be selected
Council Member Selected:……..………………………………or Council Member Elected….
Name Social
Security #
Title District School
(Street) (City) (State) (Zip)
Telephone Fax E-mail
Superintendent of District
Superintendent's Address
Nominee's previous ACSA State, Regional or Charter activities:
• Please be sure to check the appropriate box for affirmative action: Male Female
African/American Asian Caucasian
Eskimo – American Indian Filipino Latino Pacific Islander
Special Instructions:
• Before you return this form, check to be sure the person recommended is an ACSA member. You are welcome
to contact the ACSA Membership Department at (650) 692-4300 if you are unsure.
• Be sure that you do not recommend any member who has already served a full three year term.
• Members may serve on only one ACSA State Committee/Council at a time.
Return completed forms to: Lori Allred |
ACSA, 1029 J Street, Suite 500, Sacramento, CA 95814