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Advisory Committee Members (Please list names. ALL signatures are required.):
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
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_______________________________________ _______________________________________
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Signature of Chair, Department Graduate Studies Committee:
________________________________________________ _________________________
________________________________________________ _________________________Date:
Student’s Signature:
Co-Advisor’s Signature:Co- Advisor’s Name:
Advisor’s Signature:Advisor’s Name:
Student received a final copy of report
The student is required to read and sign the report. The student is encouraged to respond to these
comments or make observations on their program by communicating with representatives of the
program. In instances in which there is disagreement between the student and the committee,
materials which the student may wish to submit to the Office of Graduate Studies will also be added
to the student’s file.
A copy of the evaluation report is placed in the student’s file in the department and a copy is sent to
the Office of Graduate Studies.
I would like to request a meeting with the Graduate Coordinator to discuss my progress
ProtectionofPrivacy: We are committed to protecting your privacy. Personal information is collected under the authority of the University of
Guelph Act and pursuant to the FreedomofInformationandProtectionofPrivacyAct(FIPPA). If you have questions about the use and disclosure of
your personal information, call the OfficeofGraduateStudiesat (519) 824‐4120 ext. 56833. You can also find more information about access to
information and protection of privacy at the University of Guelph from the UniversitySecretariat.
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