Office of Graduate Studies
Doctoral Final Examination Arrangements
Last Name: _______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________
_______________ ________________
First Name:
Student ID: Degree Program:
Submit this form to The Office of Graduate Studies at least 4 weeks before the scheduled examination
Thesis Ti
Final Examination
Date: Time:
Final Examination Committee
Advisory Committee Member:
Advisory Committee Member:
Additional Member:
External Examiner:
External Examiner Details (see page 2 for instructions)
External Examiner’s Relationship to Department/Student/Advisor/Advisory Committee:
on behalf of the Departmental Graduate Studies Committee and to signify that the selection of the External
Examiner has been subjected to a Department internal review process:
Protection of Privacy: We are committed to protecting your privacy. Personal information is collected under the authority of the University of
Guelph Act and pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). If you have questions about the use and disclosure
of your personal information, call the Office of Graduate Studies at (519) 824-4120 ext. 56833. You can also find more information about access to
informationand protection of privacy at the University of Guelph from the University Secretariat.
click to sign
click to edit
Please complete page 1 of this form and submit to the Office of Graduate Studies at least 4 weeks before the scheduled
doctoral examination.
(1) The Department/School must choose and make arrangements with an external ex
aminer who is a recognized
expert in the subject of the thesis. The external examiner must not have a direct connection with the Department/
School. The external examiner must not have served as advisor to the student’s advisor or have been a trainee of
the advisor in the last six years, must not have directly collaborated in joint projects or co-authored publications
with the advisor or the student in the last six years, and must not have an existing plan to collaborate with the
advisor or the student. In addition, the external examiner must not have been a student or member of the graduate
faculty at the University in the last five years. The external examiner must have had no direct connection with the
student or the student’s research project. Assurance of independence of the external examiner is taken as a very
serious matter by the Board of Graduate Studies. If in doubt about the status of a prospective external examiner,
please call the Assistant VP Graduate Studies or designate. The selection of the external examiner must be
approved by the Departmental Graduate Studies Committee and subjected to an internal procedure in place in the
Department. Any individual who serves as an External Examiner may not serve again until a period of 3 years has
(2) The Department/School must have sent the thesis to the external examiner at least 28 days before the date of the
(3) The Assistant VP Graduate Studies or Associate Dean of Graduate Studies may attend all or part of each final
(4) Examination forms will be prepared and sent to the Examination Committee Chair by the Office of Graduate
Studies after this form is received. A report form for the Chair of the Examination will be included with the
examination forms.
(5) The Department/School pays the external examiner honorarium (fixed at $200.00 CDN) and
travelling/accommodation costs (departments are encouraged to consider using video conferencing or SKYPE);
Graduate Studies will transfer $200.00 to the unit, if the external examiner attends the exam (which is preferred),
or if the external examiner does not attend the exam. The transfer of funds will occur after the report of the chair of
the examination and the external examiner's report are on file, in the permanent student file in the Office of
Graduate Studies, and after the exam has occurred.