Board of Graduate Studies - University of Guelph Senate
Course Deletion Form
The Course Deletion Template must be completed in full to be reviewed by the Division Committee and Graduate Programs and Policy Committee
before recommendation for approval to the Board of Graduate Studies and Senate. If a new course will be replacing the deleted course, please
submit the new course proposal at the same time.
Course Code: _______________ Course Title: _________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________Department/School/Program responsible for the course:
Semester Offering:
Multiple Semester Course (Arrangements must be made to accommodate students registered in
a multiple semester course, prior to deletion.): Yes No
The last semester offering to accommodate the current cohort.
Rationale for the deletion (Please provide an academically
based justification. Please note that the rationale can not just be that a course
has not been offered for a number of years - if this is the case, please state why):
Effect on curriculum mapping for the program submitting this application and other programs:
Course Enrolment History over four offerings:
The course will be enddated in Colleague based on the “last offering” information. A note will be added to the course description in the
Graduate Calendar indicating the semester the course will last be offered.
If the course proposed for deletion serves graduate programs administered by other departments then evidence of consultation in the
form of email correspondence or memo from the
appropriate department chairs is required. You
ly wi
th this
form to the Offi
ce of Gradua
te Studies at
If a new course is being proposed as a replacement for this course, please specify the course code, title and department responsible in
the text box below.
Replacement Course:
Signature Approval of Graduate Program Coordinator:
Signature Approval of Chair/Director:
Date Approved:
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit