Instructor’s signature required?
Designated as a two-semester course, with students registering in each semester. Students receive INP (in progress) at the
end of the first semester and a grade at the end of the second semester.
Designated as a multiple-semester course. Is this course designed to require more than one semester for completion, with
student registering in each semester with one grade at the end?
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Maximum number of times a student may take this course: once only twice only unlimited
Proposed Grade Scheme: Numeric SAT/UNS (reserved for seminar or practice courses only)
Proposed calendar description (Please ensure the course description is grammatically correct – i.e. complete sentences) 45
words or less:
Library Assessment: To prepare the assessment, library staff will consult with faculty to identify resources and/or library
services needed to support the new course, e.g. books, required texts, journal, e-learning support, information literacy
instruction. If you are aware of any new library resources that will be needed, please list them here:
a. Required course textbook(s), if known:
b. Any key journals or other resources, which the Library does not already have?
Please provide detailed explanations for the Division & Programs Committees on the following:
1. Outcomes of the course, including how the University’s Learning Outcomes are addressed, and how this
course maps to the curriculum.
Graduate Degree Learning Outcomes:
Critical and Creative Thinking: