Office of Graduate Studies
Application for the International Study Option
Students must complete and submit this form to Ontario Graduate Studies. It is the student’s responsibility to
obtain the required signatures of the Advisor and the Graduate Coordinator. Students must also contact the
Centre for International Programs several weeks in advance of their departure in order to obtain any
information crucial to their U of G responsibilities as a student abroad, and to sign any required waivers.
Area of Specialization: _________________________________________________________
Host Institution
(if applicable)
: ________________________________________________________
(Note: If you plan to take any graduate courses for credit towards your program, you must also complete and submit the Letter of
Permission application.)
Date of Departure: ___________________ ___________________
Plan and objectives of international study to be undertaken (attach additional information if
How will travel and subsistence costs for the period abroad be financially supported? (attach
additional information if necessary)
Required Signatures:
(Note: these signatures must be obtained in the order they appear on this form)
________________________________________ _____________________
________________________________________ _____________________
The student has consulted stuff in the Centre for International Programs and has been given the necessary
information/training required for the proposed study abroad.
Centre for
Dean of Graduate
Protection of Privacy: We are committed to protecting your privacy. Personal information is collected under the authority of the University of Guelph Act and
pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). If you have questions about the use and disclosure of your personal information, call
the Office of Graduate Studies at (519) 824-4120 ext. 56833. You can also find more information about access to information and protection of privacy at the
University of Guelph from the University Secretariat.
Date of Return:
Host Country:
Last Name: Student
ID: Department/
First Name:
Degree Program:
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