DYNAMIC LEADERSHIP PATH Revised: 2021 July Page 1 of 4
Created by Angelika Margenberg, CC (D95) Updated by Tony Nelson, DTM (D123)
NAME: __________________________________________________________________________
NOTES: R = Required Electives (Levels 3-5) are listed in alphabetical order in each Level.
Level 1 Mastering Fundamentals
(3 Required Projects)
Date Title Signature
Ice Breaker
Speech (4 – 6 min)
Evaluation And Feedback
First Speech (5 7 min)
Second Speech (5 7 min)
(Incorporate Feedback from First
Speech Evaluator
Researching And Presenting
Speech (5 7 min)
Level 2 Learning Your Style
(3 Required Projects)
Date Title Signature
Understanding Your Communication Style
Speech (5 7 min)
Understanding Your Leadership Style
Speech (5 7 min)
Introduction To Toastmasters Mentoring
Speech (5 7 min)
Signed by:
DYNAMIC LEADERSHIP PATH Revised: 2021 July Page 2 of 4
Created by Angelika Margenberg, CC (D95) Updated by Tony Nelson, DTM (D123)
Level 3 Increasing Knowledge
(1 Required Project + 2 Elective Projects)
Title Signature
Negotiate The Best Outcome
Speech (5 7 min)
Level 3 (Elective Projects - Choose 2)
Active Listening
Table Topics Master
Connect With Storytelling
Speech (5 7 min)
Connect With Your Audience
Speech (5 7 min)
Creating Effective Visual Aids
Speech with visual aids (5 7 min)
Deliver Social Speeches
Social Speech 1 (3 4 min)
Social Speech 2 (3 4 min)
Effective Body Language
Speech (5 7 min)
Focus On The Positive
Speech (5 7 min) or Report (2 3
Project Completion Form
Inspire Your Audience
Speech (5 7 min)
Know Your Sense Of Humour
Speech (5 7 min)
Make Connections Through Networking
Speech (5 7 min)
Project Completion Form
(only if event was outside TM)
Prepare For An Interview
Role-Play-Interview (5 7 min)
Understanding Vocal Variety
Speech (5 7 min)
Using Descriptive Language
Speech (5 7 min)
Using Presentation Software
Speech with slides (5 7 min)
Now you can add the ProjectPrepare to Mentor“ if you want to join Pathways Mentor
Meeting with your VP Education to discuss
your readiness to mentor
DYNAMIC LEADERSHIP PATH Revised: 2021 July Page 3 of 4
Created by Angelika Margenberg, CC (D95) Updated by Tony Nelson, DTM (D123)
Level 4 Building Skills
(1 Required Project + 1 Elective Project)
Date Title Signature
Manage Change
Speech (5 - 7 min)
Level 4 (Elective Projects Choose 1)
Building A Social Media Presence
Project Completion Form
Speech (5 - 7 min)
Create A Podcast
Speech with Podcast (5 10 min)
(plus 2 3 min Introduction Speech)
Manage Online Meetings
Planning and conducting an online
Meeting or Webinar (20 25 min)
(Evaluator must attend!)
Manage Projects Successfully
Speech (2 - 3 min, Presenting Plan)
Speech (5 - 7 min)
Managing A Difficult Audience
Role Play Assignment Resource
Speech (12 - 15 min)
Public Relations Strategies
Speech (5 - 7 min)
Question-And-Answer Session
Speech with Question-and-Answer
Session (15 20 min)
Write A Compelling Blog
Project Completion Form
Speech (2 3 min)
Now you can add the ProjectMentoring“ when you joined Pathways Mentor Program (Level 3)
Mentor Evaluation Resource
Speech (5 7 min)
DYNAMIC LEADERSHIP PATH Revised: 2021 July Page 4 of 4
Created by Angelika Margenberg, CC (D95) Updated by Tony Nelson, DTM (D123)
Level 5: Demonstrating Expertise
(2 Required Projects + 1 Elective Project)
Date Title Signature
Lead In Any Situation
360° Evaluation
Speech (8 10 min)
Level 5 (Elective Projects: Choose 1)
Ethical Leadership
Panel Discussion (2040 min) followed
by a Question-and-Answer Session
High Performance Leadership
Speech (5 7 min)
Speech (5 7 min)
360° Evaluation Resource
Leading In Your Volunteer Organization
360° Evaluation Resource
Speech (5 7 min)
Lessons Learned
360° Evaluation Resource
Speech (5 7 min)
Moderate A Panel Discussion
Panel Discussion (20 40 min)
Project Completion Form (only required to
submit to VPE, if a non-TM panel discussion)
Prepare To Speak Professionally
Speech keynote style (18 20 min)
Path Completion (1 Required Project)
After Level 5 is completed, request Level 5 completion approval from a Base Camp Manager.
When approved, a "Path Completion" section opens up with one required project, the "Reflect on
Your Path" speech. When completed, request path approval from a Base Camp Manager.
Reflect On Your Path
Speech (10 12 min)
Now you can add the projectAdvanced Mentoring“ if you joined the Pathways Mentoring
Program (Level 3 + Level 4)
Mentor Evaluation
Speech (5 7 min)