Think CBT
01732 808 626 / info@thinkcbt.com
The Situation / Trigger
What happened or triggered the
The Prosecution
What facts support a negative
The Defence
What facts support a positive
The Neutral Witness
What would an independent
observer say?
Exercise 13 – Cognitive Disputation “Putting Your Thoughts on Trial”
In this exercise you will test the evidence for and against your thoughts. Evidence must be presented in factual or logical terms and interpretations
or suppositions are not admissible. The exercise is presented in ve parts. Start by briey outlining the situation that led to the negative or
distressing thought. The “Prosecution” box provides facts that support the negative interpretation. The “Defence” box answers with a positive
interpretation. The “Witness” box offers an objective and neutral perspective and the nal “Judgement” offers a fair, balanced and justied
summing up.
The Balanced Judgement – Having assessed the evidence, what is a balanced, realistic and fair interpretation?